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American Missionary Association:
New York, 25" Oct 1866

Rev. Geo. Whipple, } New-York.
Rev. M. E. Strieby, } 
Rev. J.R. Shipherd, Chicago.

Revd. John Kimball,
Sup. of Schools, Washington D.C.

Dear Brother,
Yours of the 23d is received. I hasten to reply.

1. Mr. Marsh misapprehended my views if he supposed I intended only two teachers for Cap. Hill — The understanding was, that perhaps it would be best to begin with two, & as soon as the two schools were fairly started, to send on the other two, when needed.

2. In regard to Judiciary Square, I am glad you think three are needed there. Our Secretaries are very anxious to make the higher school, a model school, in which desire I most fully share. But to make a "model school" then you want a model teacher. Who shall she be? We want Miss Stebbins