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41 Greene St.
New York  Dec. 20, 1866

Mr John Kimball }
Washington D.C  }

Dr Sir
I have just received from Mr Edward P. Smith your letter to him in relation to ventilators, with a request that I answer it

The price of 24 in ventilators is Fifty three Dollars ($53.00) each, delivered on board the boat or cars [[underlined]] here [[/underlined]]

I dont know what the freight would amount to, but as they are rather bulky articles, I should think it would increase their cost considerably; for this reason I would suggest that I cut out and prepare all the parts of the ventilators, ready to put together. I can then pack them in a smaller compass, and the possibility of their being bruised would be avoided. I would furnish them in this form, and deliver them on the boat or cars here for Forty five Dollars ($45.00) each

When prepared in this way, an