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National Farm School Dec 26th 1866
[[preprinted LM]]

Mr. Kimbal  Dear Sir  when I wrote strikethrough]]h [[/strikethrough]] about getting a situation for hafs[[?]] Aurelia Waters, I had not a thought then that I 
should so soon ask the same favor for myself.  But so it is  we do not know from one day to another what changes there are to be.  It is my very great desire to leave this farm school 
not that I am unwilling to teach the boys for I have spent some very pleasant hours with them, and I am still willing to teach them, but cannot do it under existing circumstances much longer, the ways things are conducted here will never suit any who would wish to carry out Christ Commands Love thy neighbor as thy self.Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy  Do unto others as you would have others do to you, now my dear Sir a hint to the wise is sufficient you will readily comprehend some of my reason's for wishing to leave this Farm School I am willing to go wherever I can be useful as teacher or matron in Washington or