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[[preprinted]] [[strikethrough]] Penn'a [[/strikethrough]] ^[[N.Y. Nat'l.]] Freedmen's Relief Association,
No. [[strikethrough]] 207 I [[/strikethrough]] ^[[343 20th]] Street, Washington, D.C. [[/preprinted]]

April 24, '66

Rev. John Kimball,
Supt. Schools, &c.

Dear Sir:
Please furnish, for the use of the new School to be opened to-morrow in Kendall Green Barracks, — Miss Francis J. Munger, teacher — the following articles:

1 small Table
2 chairs
1 Blackboard
1 Book-Case, or desk, with lock, for safe-keeping of books, &c.

I would also respectfully request that some backs, made in a simple and cheap way, be put upon say 10 of the benches provided for seats, and that a portion of them be reduced in height, for the use of the smaller pupils — as, in their present