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National Freedman's Relief Association,

REV. W. G. HAWKINS, Corresponding Secretary.
E. C. ESTES, Sec. of Executive Committee and Business Agent.
REV. JAMES J. WOOLSEY, Sec. of Teachers and Finance Committees, to whom Letters in respect to Teachers and Agents should be addressed.

Boxes of Clothing should be marked N. F. R. A., 76 John Street, New York. Mark, also, on each box or barrel, the name of the place whence it is sent, and the name of the person sending it. Send a List of its contents in each package, and a copy of the same by mail, to E. C. ESTES, Business Agent.

Money should be sent in Bank Checks or Drafts, payable to JOSEPH B. COLLINS, Treasurer, 40 Wall Street, New York; and all Letters relating to the business of the Association should be addressed to the appropriate Officers in their official capacity; while private letters should be indorsed "Personal." [[/preprinted]]

New York. July 11/66

John [[strikethrough]] R. [[/strikethrough]] Kimball, Esq-
Bureau Supt. Education,

Dear Sir-

You will please transfer the Industrial school at Alexandria to our Association.  

It is understood that it will be closed during the Summer months, or will not be doing much till fall.

We have no doubt Mrs. Richs is well adapted to the duties of the School, & were we in want of a person to be put in charge, we should be pleased to adopt your recommendation. But, we have a suitable person already under appointment, who can be transferred to Alexandria, & therefore, we shall not be in want of the services of Mrs. Ricks.

You will, of course with the school turn over to us that portion of the Soldiers Rest necessary for the accommodation of the school-

Are we to be put in possession of the entire building, called the "Rest", or only such portions of it, as shall serve for a Teacher's Home, & for the Industrial school? We desire to enlarge our operations at Alexandria.

Very respectfully
[[signature]] James Woolsey [[/signature]]