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it is somewhat natural to think that they must have merit — now if you won't get angry at me I will say that I am determined to keep at you until you either adopt or say you won't have anything to do with our books & to begin on we send you by mail one of the smallest school book pubd by us — viz Sheldons 1st Reader — which without any effort [[strikethrough]] or [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] or agency the Maryland Freedman Socy  (Depot at Balt) have bot & used at least 5000 of [[strikethrough]] this book [[/strikethrough]] & 1 or 200 sets of the charts within a year — We send you a circular & list of our school traps [[?]], examine at yr convenience & let us know of anything you would like to see & we will send — yrs selfish as ever

A C Armstrong 

Transcription Notes:
Great job transcribing this handwriting! -- Beth