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the large Hall of the Court House up stairs, which the Board of Education rented of the Board of Supervisors of the County, and fitted it up for School purposes; We have an academy building here, two stories, a good roomy building before the war, But it was taken and occupied by the soldiers and totally destroyed, & nothing left on the ground but one large stone, the Mantle or arch stone of the fire place; they pulled of the weatherboarding tore up the floor, and took the studding & buried it, and built tents or shanties to quarter in, and thus at the close of the war we were without any School House whatever. You can use your pleasure in the Matter, the Board of Education have everything secured on record to retain the School House for the children of the Freedmen, and are acting in good faith: If the money is forwarded the Building will be secured for that purpose, if not the Carpenter's sell the house for to get their pay for building it; Furthermore there is no funds belonging to the Freedmen to Employ a Teach. What money is set apart for the Colored Children will all be expended by the time the Library is procured & full provided: The Trustees desired me to write the department to send them a Teacher for the Freedmen's school. If the money is forwarded to pay for the House; and a teacher is procured the school can be commenced immediately, as the Colored Children are anxious for the school to be opened. 

Respectfully Your Obt Servant &c  
[[signature]] Jackman Cooper [[/signature]], Secty
Bd. Education Buckhannon T P.
Upshur Co. W Va