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Vol. 3. No. 1047 ACDC 1867

Washington Dec. 19, 1867.

Coulter W. A.
S. A. Com'r

States that the school house in course of erection at Robytown Prince George County will be completed by the 20th inst. A meeting will be held in it on the 26th inst. to devise means to pay money due for its construction. Asks the Asst. Com'r to be present, &c &c


[[stamp]] HD. QRS. ASS'T COM'R D.C. BUREAU R.F. & A.L. RECEIVED DEC 19 1867 [[/stamp]]

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[[stamp]] Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands,
Head-Quarters Asst. Commr., D.C.,
WASHINGTON, DEC 21 1867 [[/stamp]]

Respectfully referred to Supt of Education for his information

By order of Asst Com'r.
[[signature]] Stuart Eldridge [[/signature]]
