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Woodville October 11 867

Dear Sir
I take this opportunity to inform you About our Building our house is not finished we Have not plastering and have not [[?]] roof and we Have Been expecting some lumber from you for the Benches you Promised us that you would Give us apart of the lumber for Benches if not all. And we has Been Expecting you down for some time and has Been awaiting For that lumber. we have Been to smart excuse [[?]] And had to stop of Building for a while and we wrote To Colonel Kimball and he said that dident know Any thing about the Building of school house. and he wished us to write to him how about the Building and what about it and we wish for you to write Col. Kimball and inform him about the Building and we would wish For you to please send us word what kind of teacher you are Going to send us. White or Colard and Please to notyfy what will be the salary we would like a fair understanding and Please to write to us soon let us know all about it That we my prepare we expect to have our house finished by The middle of next month all Except cielding the Roof and we cannot posible Buy the lumber to Cield it this Winter But if you will Please to Give it to us we will have it Cielded. Please let us hear from you soon.  

Yours very Truly
[[signature]] Richard Douglass [[/signature]]

Mr Jones

Transcription Notes:
Don't forget to use double brackets when inserting questions about things. [[?]], not [?]. I'm not sure what cield/cielding/cielded is (sealed?), but Mr. Douglass consistently uses these spellings. -- Beth