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of the letter form connected with the school. I understand [?]; and if we can find a place where the [?] people will pay our board and the [?] expenses of the school, and can also find in the neighbourhood, a few acres of land which we can have as rent, we will ask no more. But if we can not fine the latter of these, at once, then I repeat show us the place where the colored people will pay board and incidentals, and we will teach [?] and [?] own energies for the rest.
Please do not fail with me, [[underlined]]by return mail, and very greatly oblige,[[/underlined]]
Your Truly 
[[underlined]]J.Wesley Eddy.[[/underlined]]
P.S. To save time in the mail, this will be mailed as [?]; [?] and dates, - [[underlined]]? J.W.E.