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July the 9 1867

To the Reverant Mr Kimball Dear Sir We are just begin to get on our feet in the way of building our [[strikethrough]] She [[/strikethrough]] School house we have bought and paid for and clear of land we are now redy to Send for the lumber as soon as we can no what Sep to [[insertion]] take [[/insertion]] we wish you Sir to rite to ous and let ous no hwo we are [[insertion]] to [[/insertion]] Send to for the lumber and how much money it will take to pay the frate to heave this lumber landed at Nothingham you will please Sir to ancer this By return mail and let ous no what to be about
No more at this time But remain umble Servent
[[signature]]Geo E greenleafy [[signature]]

Transcription Notes:
Arc.Advt.: I've seen Mr. Greenleaf's name elsewhere and there was no "ry" or anything else after the "f".