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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L.
Office Supt. Leonardtown Md. May 13th/ 1867

Rev Mr. Kimball
Supt. of Schools

Sir: your communication of the 7/th inst. is received. I assure you that I am desirous of doing all that I can for the improvement of the colored people morally; intellectually; and religiously for in no place that I have been in have I found such a dearth of all these qualities as here. I doubt however if I shall be able to secure a better piece of ground than is offered by Mr. Key which I am satisfied will not please you nor did it please me. I have delayed getting it deeded until after you come. A [[underlined]] Cloud [[/underlined]] has also suddenly appeared to obscure the prospect in the shape of the Catholic church. The Priest stated here yesterday to his laity that funds must