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[[preprinted]] AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION, No. 53 JOHN STREET, New York, ^[August 14.]] 1867. Rev. E.N. KIRK, D.D., President. Wm. E. WHITING, Ass't Treasurer. EDW. P. SMITH, Gen'l Field Agent. Secretaries, Rev. GEORGE WHIPPLE, N.Y. Rev. M.E. STRIEBY, N.Y. Rev. J.R. SHIPHERD, Chicago. [[/preprinted]] Rev. John Kimball, Supt. of Ed. for D.C., Washington D.C., Dear Sir: The enclosed is a request for transportation for the gentleman appointed to look after the work in the Kenawa Valley. Will you take it to Genl. Whittlesey and see that the transportation is forwarded to this office as speedily as possible. Yours Very Truly [[signature]] Edwd. P. Smith [[/signature]] S.A.L.
Transcription Notes:
("Kenawa" probably a misspelling of "Kanawah")