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[[preprinted]] ALL MONEY LETTERS, AND LETTERS CONCERNING PACKAGES OF CLOTHING, &C., SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO W.E. WHITING, 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. American Missionary Association: No. 53 JOHN STREET, PRESIDENT-REV. E.N. KIRK, D.D., Boston, Mass. Sec's. REV. GEORGE WHIPPLE, N.Y. REV. M.E. STRIEBY, N.Y. REV. J.R. SHIPHERD, Chicago. E. KETCHUM, ESQ., Treasurer, N.Y. W.E. WHITING, ESQ., Asst. Treas., N.Y. REV. E.P. SMITH, Gen. Field Agent, N.Y New York, ^[Aug. 23]] 1867 [[/preprinted]] Rev. John Kimball, Washington, D.C., Dear Sir: This will introduce Rev. C.W. Sharpe of Green N. Y., - whom we have selected and commissioned for your West Va. work. Mr. Sharp comes to us with high testimony from parties personally known to myself. -I believe Genl' Howard will find him the right man for his field and I cordially commend him to your confidence.
Transcription Notes:
See "Tips" for transcribing: do not hyphenate words, even when hyphenated in original document