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American Missionary Association:

PRESIDENT—REV. E. N. KIRK, D.D., Boston, Mass. 

REV. GEORGE WHIPPLE, N.Y}. Sec's | E. KETCHUM, ESQ., Treasurer, N.Y.} 
REV. M.E. STRIEBY, N.Y. Sec's | W.E. WHITING, ESQ., Asst. Treas., N.Y.
REV. J.R. SHIPHERD. Chicago Sec's | REV. E.P. SMITH, Gen. Field Agent, N.Y.

New York, ^[[Sept. 25] 1867

Rev. Jns. Kimball,
Washington D.C.
Dear Sir:

We received and forwarded Miss Stebbins Transportation on the 16th of Sept. That, I see is the date of her letter to you, and it is probable she has received the Orders before this.

Yours Truly,
[[signature]] Edwd. P. Smith [[/signature]]

per S.A.T