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Bureau R.F. & A.L. Sub District, No.6, Charleston, West Va., Nov. 19th, 1867. Rev. John Kimball, Supt. of Schools: My dear Sir: Yours of Nov. 11th is just received. You justly complain of my seeming neglect of orders, in not reporting to you since Oct. 1st; but I think I can render you a full and satisfactory reason. During the first three weeks of October, I was very sick with the intermittent fever, and under the constant care of nurse and physician. I recovered very rapidly, however, & in four days after leaving my bed started on my business to Point Pleasant, where I was detained by extreme low water for three days, and was three days more on the passage to Charleston. Thus I lost nearly the whole month. At this time, it was of the utmost importance that I should get some of these school houses started immediately. Nothing was lost in October, in respect to the school houses,since the low water made the difficulty & expense