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The object is to compel the School Boards to pay over yearly that proportion of the Building Fund, which belongs to the colored children, estimating their due proportion according to the relative number of white & colored children. This is plainly the intent of the present law, but it can be, is, & will be evaded. I have thought that a suit against the Board of Education [[strikethrough]] at Malden [[/strikethrough]] would be the best thing, at Malden; but now I judge it better to wait, before asking for such instructions. Thousands of dollars have been spent this year by this & other Boards, for school houses for white children, taking the money intended by law for the colored children, but not one dollar for the latter. In Malden they have built six or more houses, three of them costing $800., $1100, & $ 400. each. Last week I asked them for $ 200. for a colored school house at Brooks' Hollow, & they would not give it.

I understand, the State Superintendent of Schools intends also to move in this matter, at the next legislature.