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Brightwood D C Dec 2/67

Mr Kimball

I can get up a set of cards and take one of those City Schools of 100 or 120 Scholars without any assistance except what I will use of my own manufacture and do so well by them that you will say I am the man for the place If the no spoken of are the number you generally convene into 2 schools could you not pay me the same you could for 2 teachers this would give me means so that next vacation I could go to New York and get up a set of cards that would cost from 100 to 150 $ whether Congress makes an appropriation

Transcription Notes:
I doubt "cards" is correct. I'm at a loss here. Ideas? (No clue -- cards sure looks right. -- Beth) How do we transcribe a word with just a syllable on one page and finished on the next? Do we write the entire word on both pages? Who knows the correct way to do this? - Per instructions not to truncate words, last word on this page completed using following page, appropriation