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I shall soon have to be absent to see that the winter schools are started, and to visit them, where they are commenced. This is a work greatly needed to be done. Schools in this region all commence late in the season; that is in December.

Will you tell me whether pupils over twenty one years of age in my department of this school & taught only by myself, are expected or to be permitted to pay tuition to the trustees? Mr. Hawkins threatens & intends to collect tuition from my scholars above the age mentioned, although taught free of cost to the State of West Va. If left without instructions on this point, I shall [[strikethrough]] instruct [[/strikethrough]] tell them not to pay, & employ counsel to defend them.

Very respectfully,
C. W. Sharp

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-18 12:18:55