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[[stamp]] WEBSTER COLLECTION [[stamp]]
[[10 column table]]

| | Brought Forward | | | 149-16-4 | 65-7-4 | 84-9-0 | |

621 | 1070 | Afghan Knife, Salaway Yataghan | 29/4/02 | Stevens' Sale | 7-0 | 3-0 | 4-0 | 28/5/02 | Mr John Hunt
622 | - | Pair F. L. Pistols, rings in butts, rough | 19/5/02 | Robinson | 12-0 | 9-0 | 3-0 | 28/5/02 | Mr John Hunt
614 | - | Naval Sword by Hebbert in gilt mounted leather sheath | 31/5/02  | P. A. Revell | 14-0 | 7-0 | 7-0 | 6/6/02 Mr J. G. Wilson
615 | - | Naval Sword by Hebbert in gilt mounted leather sheath | 31/5/02  | P. A. Revell | 14-0 | 7-0 | 7-0 | 6/6/02 Mr J. G. Wilson
52 | 672 | Japanese Lance with sheath | 17/12/01 | Steven's Sale | 8-0 | 1-6 | 6-6 |11/6/02 | Mr Henry Wells
629 | 1096 | Soudanese Sword & Sheath inscription on blade | 13/5/02 | T. Barnard | 1-11-6 | 10-0 | 1-1-6 | 10/6/02 | Mr Squires
631 | 1097 | Soudanese silver mounted knife | 13/5/02 | T. Barnard | 1-11-6 | 10-0 | 1-1-6 | 10/6/02 | Mr Squires
2 | 666 | Uganda Simi in sheath & belt | 17/12/01 | Stevens Sale | 6-6 | 2-6 | 4-0 | 13/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
202 | 694 | Abyssinian spear, leaf shaped blade | 28/12/01 | P.A. Revell | 8-0 | 2-6 | 5-6 | 13/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
210 | 741 | Zulu Assagai | 22/1/02 | P.A. Revell | 7-6 | 1-6 | 6-0 | 13/6/02 |  Mr S. Mercer
245 | 858 | Turkish Flintlock pistol | 6/3/02 | Broadfield | 12-6 | 5-0 | 7-6 | 13/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
425 | 946 | Indian Talwar | 11/3/02 | Stevens Sale | 8-0 | 4-0 | 4-0 | 13/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
592 | 1104| Mashona Assagai, iron wire binding | 16/5/02 | H. Robinson | 6-6 | 2-6 | 4-0 | 13/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
654 | - | S. American Sugar Cane Machetto | 10/6/02 | Stevens | 3-6 | 1-0 | 2-6 | 13/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
657 | 972 | Congo Spear, well made, polished dark shaft | 21/3/02 | B.G.L. Kay | 7-6 | 3-0 | 4-6 | 13/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
658 | 832 | Congo Spear, rougher work | 22/2/02 |T. Barnard | 1-10-0 | 15-0 | 15-0 | 13/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
659 | 1122 | Arab Flintlock Gun | 31/5/02 | T. Barnard | 1-10-0 | 15-0 | 15-0 | 13/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
660 | Part 807 | 4 Chinese arrows, iron points, & 1 wooden pointed (1 large iron, 2 small iron, 1 Diamond iron | 11/2/02 | Stevens Sale | 2-6 | 4 | 2-2 | 13/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
647 | 1075 | New Zealand Club, wood, carved figure, "Wahi ikai" | 10/5/02 | T. Barnard | 5-10-0 | 4-5-0| 1-5-0 | 17-6-02 | Mr W.D. Webster
673 | - | 6 Moa Bones. sizes. 39 x 8 1/2 at widest, 32 1/4 x 8 23 1/2 x 6 1/2, 19 x 6, [drawing] 13 x 7 | 14/6/02 | T. Barnard | 1-5-0 | 1-0-0 | 5-0 | 
676| 1157 | Kukri in sheath |, polished horn hilt, two small knives | 21/6/02 | Maidenhead | 13-6 | 5-0 | 8-6 | 25/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
677 | 1158 | Persian knife, hilt damascused silver, modern |20/6/02 | P.A. Revell | 12-6 | 5-0 | 7-6 | 25/6/02 | Mr S. Mercer
681 | 1143 | Australian Quartz headed spear | 16/6/02 | G.F. Lawrence | 5-0 | 2-6 | 2-6 | 28/6/02 | Mr Stephen Ponder
682 | 1145 | Australian Quartz headed spear | 16/6/02 | G.F. Lawrence | 5-0 | 2-6 | 2-6 | 28/6/02 | Mr Stephen Ponder
684 | 1140 | Spear thrower of yellow wood | 16/6/02 | G.F. Lawrence | 4-0 | 2-0 | 2-0 | 28/6/02 |Mr Stephen Ponder
685 | 1114 | Spear thrower of dark wood new peg | 27/5/02 | Stevens Sale | 5-0 | 2-6 | 2-6 | 28/6/02 | Mr Stephen Ponder
692 | 459 | Turkish Helmet, silver plate | 26/4/01 | Debenham Store |2-5-0 | 10-0 | 1-15-0 | 4/7/02 | Mr H. Murray
532 | 1063 | Congo Knife in sheath,, bound strip copper brass & iron | 25/4/02 | W.T. Hassan | 12-6 | 6-0 | 6-6 | 4/7/02 |Mr W.D. Webster
694 | 1151 | Congo Throwing Knife | 19/6/02 | G.F. Lawrence | 1-0-0 | 12-6 | 7-6 | 4/7/02 | Mr W.D. Webster
695 | 1152 | Dagger, broad blade | 19/6/02 | G.F. Lawrence | 1-0-0 |12-6 | 7-6 | 4/7/02 | Mr W.D. Webster

| | Carry forward | | £ | 174-13-10 | 77-18-2 | 96-15-8 | |