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^[[3 column table\\


   |   |   Brought Forward |
5253 |  | New Guinea Coix Seed Armlet |
5226 |  | New Guinea Coix Seed Necklet |
4094 |  | Turkish F.L. Pistol |
3666 |  | Suahili Spear |
1639 |  | New Guinea Sago Spoon |
1641 |  | New Guinea Sago Spoon |
4642 |  | Australian Boomerang |
4683 |  | Solomon Island Nose-Pin of shell
4705 |  | New Guinea Necklet of Wallaby Teeth. (98 teeth)
5218 |  | New Guinea Club of granite, disc type |
5361 |  | New Guinea Club. head of white stone |
2049 | 1092 | Somali Knife, silver mounted horn hilt |
4498 |  | Peruvian Bottle of black pottery in form of a bird |
4497 |  | Peruvian Bottle (Whistling). broken & stuck together |
4611 |  | Peruvian Bottle Vase. red pottery, damaged. (restored) This got smashed in transit |
5424 |  | Peruvian Bottle Vase. Painted very fine sound specimen |
5425 |  | Peruvian Bottle Vase. black pottery, rosetts & face at top [[drawing]] |
5426 Peruvian Bottle Vase. black pottery, curious shape [[drawing]] |
1873 |  | Benin Bell of iron |
820 |  | Congo guitar |
4536 |  | New Guinea "Jews' Harp" |
882 |  | Burmese Temple Gong |
2802 |  | Central African Drum [[drawing]] |
1979 |  | Thibetian Trumpet of human bone |