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[[underlined]] Mr. Metcalfe[[/underlined]], Silver City, N.M. One lizard with forked tail (Gift).

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[[underlined]] Herbert Brown[[/underlined]], Tucson, Arizona. Two specimens of [[underlined]] Eutainia megalops [[/underlined]], from Tucson (Gift).

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[[underlined]] Geo. B. Marsh [[/underlined]], Nogales, Arizona. One larger ground iguana ([[underlined]](Ctenosaura multispinis?)
[[/underlined]]) from Nogales, a rare species new to our fauna and to our alcoholic collection (Gift through P.L. Jouy).

24645. [[underlined]] P.L. Jouy[[/underlined]], National Museum, Washington, D.C. 89 specimens, 19 species, from Arizona and Northern Mexico, one of the most valuable collections recently received, both

[[right marginalia applying to above paragraph: ?]]