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^[[checkmark]] [[underlined]]N. P. Scudder, [[/underlined]] U.S. National Museum.--
3 specimens, 3 species of snakes, among which are [[underlined]] Ophibolus rhombomaculatus [[/underlined]], from Linden, Md. (Gift).

^[[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Titus Ulka [[/underlined]], Pueblo, Colorado.--One snake from Hill City, S.D. (Gift).

^[[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Museum of Comparative Zoology [[/underlined]], through Prof. S. Garman, Cambridge, Mass. - 2 specimens of [[underlined]] Scrlopono garmani [[/underlined]], from South Dacota, collected with the types. (Exchange).

[[underlined]] Specimens distributed [[/underlined]]

During December 10 specimens, representing 9 species, were sent out as follows:-