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[[checkmark]] [[underlined]]Julius Hunter[[/underlined]], St. Louis, Mo._ 3 specimens, 2 species, from Missouri and Alabama (exchange).
[[checkmark]] [[underlined]]Dr. J. W. Blackburn[[/underlined]], [[anacestia?]], D. C._ 2 specimens of snakes from the of the Insane Asylum (gift).
[[checkmark]] [[underlined]]P. H. Juny[[/underlined]], guadalajana, mexico._ 15 specimens, 5 species, from mexico. (collected).
[[checkmark]] [[underlined]]Chas. W. Richmond[[/underlined]], Bluefields, Nicaragua._ 144 specimens, about 45 species, from Nicaragua and Costa Rica (purchased).
[[checkmark]] [[underlined]]N. Raguor[[/underlined]], Hampton, Va._ 1 specimen [[underlined]]Amphiuna? means[[/underlined]] from Hampton. [[Interesting?]] at extending the