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11. Powder Testers Wheel lock Pistol, Guns &c & Scotch Pistols &c [[10 column table]] Stock No | NAME. | Lock | Barrel | MAKER | Length | MOUNTS | BUTT | R Rod | CONDITION [[strikethrough]] 25691 | Rifle | Wheel engr'd | Oct. rifled. leaf sights | German ? | 44. | iron & bone |--| no. | v. good. some pieces of inlay are missing. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 22643 | Pistol. | wheel | long steel. Arm: mark |--| 27. | brass|brass ring |yes | -- [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 25847 | Pistol | wheel | oct barrel. |--| 26 | iron | iron ring | yes | -- [[/strikethrough]] 25848 | Pistol | wheel lock imperfect round | --|-- | 26 1/4 | iron | iron ring | [[strikethrough]] yes [[/strikethrough]] | lock imperfect [[strikethrough]]26485 | Scotch Fl Pistol | F. L. Side. | partly faced & centre round | MURDOCH on barrel| 10 1/2 | Belt-hook. | rams horn. Eng'd steel | yes. | Ball trigger. no acornes[[?]]on butts. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]26484 |Scotch F.L.Pistol|partly faced,Engraved allow. | Campbell | 10 3/4 | Belt-hook |rams horn.engr'd steel| no. | trigger, no acornes on butts [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]27397 |Scotch,F.L.Pistol|F.L,side| brass cannon,engraved full length W.L. | W. GREEN | 13 3/4 | Brass| brass | no| fine. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]27105 | Japan 3b.F.L.Pistol|P. C | Gun metal. patinated Cannon top | Carved stock | 15 1/2 | iron |--| no. | top of one hammer missing [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]27106 | Japan | P.C | Brass folding trigger | in Dagger case. | 11 1/2 |--|--| no. | lock out of order. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]29723 | Powder Tester | FL. | all iron, rare. |--|--|--|--|--|-- [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]29821 | Powder Tester |FL|brass| ABNETT WINDSOR | 6" | Curious patent | spring wheel. |--| Unique & fine finish[[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]30083 | Pistol Sword | Pin fire | 6 Chambered. | Liege Proof mark. | 41 1/4 | Steel Sheaths, all in good order. |--| v. rare. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]30156 | Snaphammer Rifle | Snapham. | heavy Oct. rifled small bore | Spanish? Armourer's Mark on Lock & b. [[drawing]]|45 | iron & ivory | inlaid | yes. | fine original condition very rare. [[/strikethrough]] 30371 | Collection of Detonator Locks. &c in cases. |--|--|--|--|--| [[strikethrough]]30392 | Powder Tester | Match | brass v. old, |--| 6 1/2. | --|--|--|-- [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]30436 | Saxon Wheel-lock Pistol| finely inlaid ivory,. ball | butt 2 1/2|--|24 1/2 |--|--|--| Slightly restored[[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]30437 | German Hunting Powder Magazine | Engraved bone| original bowline trimming &c|--|--|--| -- [[/strikethrough]] 29565 | Powder Tester. | Fl. side. |--| French. | 10 1/2 | brass | flat |--| Very unusual form. [[strikethrough]]31524 | Scotch Trooper's Pistol | all gun metal Stock. |--|--|--|--|--| good plain specimen.[[/strikethrough]] See Page 26