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[[strikethrough]] c/a/- | 15 - 15 - 0 [strikethrough]| [[circled]] s [[/circled]]

[[strikethrough]] m/ga/- | 6 - 15 - 0 [[strikethrough]]| sold [[circled]] s [[/circled]]

-- | [[strikethrough]] | 4 - 15 - 0 [[strikethrough]]| sold [[circled]] E [[circled]]
-- | 5 - 5 - 0 | --

[[strikethrough]] s/-/- | 10 - 15 - 0  | surface slightly filled [[/strikethrough]] | Sold [[circle]]C[[/circle]]

[[Strikethrough]] s/-/- | 12-15- 0 [[/strikethrough]]| etched all over  sold [[circle]] s [[/circle]]

[[strikethrough]] m/-/- | 6 - 15- 0 | Interesting [[/strikethrough]] sold [[circle]] s [[/circle]]

[[strikethrough]] N/-/- |  9- 10 - 0 | [[/strikethrough]] | --

[[strikethrough]] GX /-  |9- 5- 0 [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] GA/-  | 1- 12- 6  | rare [[/strikethrough]] Sold [[circled]] E [[/circled]]

[[strikethrough]] G/-/- | ^[[5-5-0]] 4 10-0 [[/strikethrough]]  | Fry

[[strikethrough]] M/GX/- | 6 - 6 -0  [[/strikethrough]]

A/GA/- | 14- 14- 0 [[/strikethrough]] [[circle]] s [[/circle]]

[[strikethrough]] GY/-/- | ^[[50- 0 - 0]] 35-0-0-- [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] GY/S |1- 0 - 0 [[/strikethrough]] Ellis Appro          [[ circle]] 60 [[/circle]]

GI/-/-  | 27-10-0 [[/strikethrough]] |  [[circled] S [[/circle]]

[[strikethrough]] YX/-/- | ^[[15-0-0]] 25-0-0 [[/strikethrough]] | Sold

Y/-/- | 3-5-0

[[strikethrough]] GX/- | 5-5-0 [[/strikethrough]]  [[circle]] S [[/circle]]