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12. From Page 9.             Percussion Pistols

#  | NAME | Lock | Barrel | MAKER | Length | MOUNTS | BUTT | R.ROD | CONDITION

[[strikeout]] 27092 |Pocket |P.C.side|Oct. blued iron | D. EGG. Strand London | 7 3/4 | -- ||hinged iron|small iron belt-hook. perfect
new order  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 27093 | Pocket|P.C.centre|round.screw off. iron|P.BOND 45 Cornhill London|6 3/4|--|--|--|good order  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 27353 |Case Detonator|Oct. side|Oct. browned. Patent|C. Moore 77 St.James St.|15 1/4|blued steel|--|yes|hair spring trigger. new
order. rare.  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 27399 |Pocket |P.C centre|short iron screw off | WAKEFIELD BOSTON | 6 |folding trigger|plain|--|Patent Cap protector made from old 
pan cover to FL.  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 28050 |Pocket|PC side |v.large oct.bayonet on top| English, well finished|7 1/2 |--|fluted.silver inlay|no|top of hammer broken.
piece there [[drawing]]  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 28816 | Pair,Duelling|p.c side|v.large oct rifled| C. MOORE |14 1/4|engrd iron|plain|no|fine. gold escutcheon. extra finish

[[strikeout]] 28817 |Case |convert.from FL|Oct. short.browned|CHILD STRAND LONDON| 11 1/2|--|plain|hinged iron|fine order,rough finish

[[strikeout]] 28818 |Case |PC side|Oct short screw off refiled|WILLIAMS LONDON|8 1/2|--|plain|-- |small belt-hooks at side fine finish &
condition  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 28819 | Pair |PC side|Oct | SHARPE LONDON | 13 | brass |brass box butts|no|small belt-hooks at side rough finish [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 28820 |Army B.L.|B.Loading|round. |ALBINI BRAENDLIN PATENT | 18 1/2 |iron|iron|--|fine order a very rare pistol  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 29197 |Pocket converted|P.C centre|short iron screw off | no name | 6 |iron t.guard |plain|--|Patent Cap protector made from old FL
Pan Cover  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 29263 | -- |P.C side|Oct.long blued| no name | 11 1/4 | g.silver |flat.cap|yes|perfect new order  {{/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 29377 |Colt.Revolver Case|P.C.|6 chamber large bore|Col. Saml Colt N.Y. USA | 15 |--|flat|yes|perfect new order in case [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 29378 |Target Pistol Case|P.C side| v.heavy oct. small bore|N. Lewis Maker.Troy. USA | 19 | engrd iron |flat engrd|yes|perfect new
order in case with shoulder stock  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 30084 |B.B. Revolver|pin fire|20 chambers|Belgian | 10 3/4|iron|ring butt|yes| good order  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 30101 |Pair P.C Duelling Pistol|P.C side|heavy oct b.|Joseph Manton Holles St. Cavendish Sq.| 16 |engrd iron silver fore ends|iron
blued|yes| fine new order  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 30235 |Pair P.C.DB.single t.|P.C Box|screw off.flush triggers| Ebony stocks. French |5 1/2|finely engrd steel|steel box|--|fine new
order  v. rare  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 29207 | DB. bayoney|P.C. box|oct. bayonet on top|CASTON BASINGSTOKE | 8 1/2| plain|plain| yes hinged|good & scarce [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 30416 | Carriage Pistol|P.C side hairstring|oct.damascus|D D Ancion. fils a Liege |--|steel|steel & carved|--|perfect new order