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13.  From Page 12     FLINTLOCK PISTOLS  [[underline]]iron[[/underline]] barrels

 # | NAME | Lock | BARREL | MAKER | Length | MOUNTS | BUTT | R.Rod | CONDITION

[[strikeout]] 27714 |Pair Pocket|FL.centre|-- |ARCHER LONDON |5 3/4|-- |plain|--|folding triggers. [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 27715 |Pair Pocket|FL.centre|-- |F. CROW FAVERSHAM |8 1/2|-- |plain|--|Tops of hammers restored,otherwise perfect[[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 27716 |Small Pocket|FL.centre|Cannon|G. HICKMAN |5 1/4|Stock inlaid silverwire|--|--|a curious specimen [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 27717 |Single |FL.side|Oct. inlaid gold also lock| English make |16 1/2|brass gilt|Mark brass|yes|Cover pan & butt defective
English make Eastern Indian ornament  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 27718 |Single Horse?|FL side|Oct |GEO. JONES |14 3/4|brass t.guard|plain|yes| good order  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]]27972 |Pair d.b.|FL centre|[[crossout]]sidebyside[[/crossout]]^[[Under & over]]|[[crossout]]T.RICHARDS[[/crossout]]^[[EGG]]|11 3/4 |
iron t.guard|brass|no|sliding pan cover,one striker to both pans. v. rare [[/strikeout]]

942? |Relic Pistol|FL side|[[strikeout]]oct barrel|portion of stock remaining lock intact|present 14"|missing|missing|no|found on Black heath.
Dick Turpin Relic !!  [[/strikeout]]

28254 | Pair |v.early bent|v. long slender round|GLASONDER AUTRECHT |21 1/4|massive brass|brass|yes|exceedingly massive,good order 

[[strikeout]] 27708 |single pocket|FL box|cannon| JOYNER LONDON |7 1/2|stock inlaid silver w.|--|no|hammer wants fittings [[/strikeout]]

27568 |Pair.long|FL side|Slender.Turkish mark|French | 17 |stocks inlaid,silver t.guard|silver|yes|Case. good pair fair order.

28806 |Single Duelling|FL side|round flat th.|TATHAM & EGG |16 1/2|iron|iron engrd|yes|fair fine piece

28807 |Single |FL side|cannon|W. ARDEN | 13 |iron|iron engrd|--|very early short stock.good order.

[[strikeout]] 28808 |Pair short|FL Side|short oct.| W. MILLS |12 1/4|iron|plain|iron hinged|good sound order  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 28809 | Single |FL side|short oct.| DUGARD |9 1/2|iron|plain|yes|good sound order. [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 28810 |Single short|FL box|round screw off|SUMMERS & STANLEY |9 1/4|iron|plain|--|good order  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 28811 |Single pocket|FL box|round screw off |HOWELL & SIMMONS |6 1/2|iron|plain|--|good order  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 28812 |Single pocket|FL box|round screw off |KNUBLEY |7 1/4|iron|--|--|good order  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 28813 |Pair large Horse|FL side|round |THEOR RICHARDS |15 1/4|brass|brass|yes| good order  [[/strikeout]]

28814 |Single large Horse|FL side|10 sided v.large bore|RIVIERE LONDON| 14 |brass|plain|no| wood work at end chipped 

See Page 14.