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22. from 17. GUNS [[10 column table]] [[no.]] | Name of type | Lock | BARREL | MAKER | Length| Mounts | Butt | R rod | [[remarks]] [[strikethrough]] 30229 |American Civil War Relic|P.C. |v. large bore 1 1/8"|-- |37 1/2|All iron|iron|no| -- [[/strikethrough]] 30371 |Tube Detonator Breach loader|Tube detonator|B.L.sliding barrel,Patent|BOSS 33 Edgeware Rd| 44 |Engrd|iron box|--|Perfect,worn condition [[strikethrough]] 30380 |FL. 7 barrelled Gun|FL. |7 barrel iron|H. NOCK on barrels|36 1/2|brass|brass|iron|good worn order [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 30408 |German Ne[[?]] |Sliding bayonet|brass trigger guard|perfect order|48 1/2| -- | -- | -- | -- [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 30409 |Westley Richard 1860|Breach loader| [[?]] |perfect order| 52 | -- | -- | -- | -- | [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 30410 |Gay's Patent| -- |Capping Rifle| -- |48 1/4|sliding barrel| -- | -- | -- | [[/strikethrough]] 30562 |Revolving 2 b. Gun|Fl. side|Oct to r. English proof marks|probably German| 42 |brass|brass|yes|one small piece of brass mounting missing. [[strikethrough]] 30615 |BL.FL Gun|FL side|Oct to r.|Isaac Harnier a Sedan|45 1/2|pierced steel|steel|yes|ex.fine piece [[/strikethrough]] 30676 |Baker FL Gun 2 barrels|FL side patent safety catch|plat & gold touch holes/2 Sets of Barrels & forestock,one rifle & one smooth br.|BAKER in Gold on lock|46 1/2|engrd iron|steel box in stock|yes|fine finish. [[strikethrough]] 30679 |Y:&P.C "Hammerless Gun|FL & P.C covered combined|Oct: & round|G & I. WALLIS inlaid in gold on barrel| 51 |engrd iron|steel|yes| Curus iron cased forestock. [[/strikethrough]] 30940 |Fl Sporting Gun with hinged pan|FL Hinged plat,lined pan|round, inlaid gold animals at base,gold touch hole|R. WHITEHOUSE in gold|48 1/2|engrd iron|steel|yes|New & fine finish, forepart broken badly [[strikethrough]] 30941 |FL Rifle or Carbine|FL brass lock plat|Oct: rifled inlaid silver name,leaf sights|F.FAUTH a GRATS (Lock},Roderigo Altheo Barcelona {Barrel}|34 1/2|Wood t.guard brass mts.|carved wood|yes|box in stock,fine well made & handsome piece [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 31209 |FL. 7 barrelled Gun|FL side|7 barrels, iron|H. NOCK| -- |brass|brass|yes,iron|perfect original order [[/strikethrough]] 31527 |FL DB. SPorting Gun|FL side|browned barrels plat. touch hole gold band|D. EGG LONDON| 49 |Engrd iron worn|iron|yes|stock has been cracked & mended. Perfect but worn order. [[strikethrough]] 31607 |Air 7 barrelled Gun|" "[[ditto for FL side]]|7 barrels v. small bore|POTZDAMMAGAZ|43 1/2|engrd iron t.g|plain wood|no|bronze ball [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 31958 |FL. B.L.Gun|" "[[ditto for FL side]]|Iron. Breach plug below,attached to t.g.|GRIFFIN Bont St LONDON| 51 |[[?]] pitted|iron|yes|good order, butt pitted previous to Fergusson [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 32441 |FL D.B. Carbine|" "[[ditto for FL side]]|Iron traces of gold on rib|Trepreau Bauge | 32 |iron|iron|yes|carved stock, good piece [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 32509 |FL Carbine Rifle|" "[[ditto for FL side]]|Iron Oct. rifled leaf sights|Austria IOH HAN | 41 |brass|brass|no|perfect rare Austrian Draysom [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 32682 |P.C Repeating Rifle|P.C.internal striker|Iron,oct. rifled|A. NEILL,BELFAST |46 1/4|iron|iron|no|-- [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 32865 |Tube Detonator|Detonator|2 Sets of barrels|T.J. MORTIMER Gunmaker to his Majesty |50 1/4|finely engrd iron|iron|yes|massive fine specimen,silver fore end. [[/strikethrough]] See page [[underlined]]28[[/underlined]]