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23 from p.20  F L PISTOLS  Iron Barrels

 # | Name of type | LOCK | BARREL | MAKER | Length | Mounts | Butt | R-rod | DESCRIPTION

[[strikeout]]30388[[last 8 crossed out, chgd to 9]]| DB under & over | FL Box | Iron screw off | CALVERTS LEEDS | 8 | iron t. guard | plain |--| good condition [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]]30390 | DB under & over | FL Box | Iron screw off | HOLMES LIVERPOOL | 6 | iron t. guard | plain |--| good condition[[/strikeout]]

30401 | Pair | FL finely chiselled side|iron finely chiseled| ION AND KUCHENREUTER inlaid with brass | 10 1/2 | Chiselled gun metal | chiselled g.m.
one missing | one stock slightly damaged; carved.

[[strikeout]]30411 |Case Duelling Pistols|FL,hairspring trigger|iron Oct gold touch holes|H.W. MORTIMER & Co. Gunmaker to his Majesty|15 1/2|iron|
carved iron|yes| good order, Case poor. original  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]]30414 |Large Early type|FL side|iron long,round,oct:base|GANDON LONDON|17 3/4|iron,silver escutcheon plate|large steel|yes,iron|fore
stock repaired,otherwise perfect.  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 30491 |Case Duelling Pistols|FL side|iron Oct. browned.plat touchhole patent breach|JOSEPH MANTON Jr.|15 1/2|blued steel|steel caps engrd|yes|fine order. Belonged to Lord Gwydyr.  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 30504 |Pair Pocket|FL box,flush T.|iron round screw off|WHEELER,LONDON|5 3/4| -- |plain| -- |J. B inlid in red on stocks.

[[strikeout]] 30505 |Pocket|FL box,flush t.|iron round screw off|PATRICK LIVERPOOL |6 1/2| -- |plain| -- |good order  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 30821 |Carriage or Naval? Type|FL side|iron Oct. v.large bore|DUST. LONDON| 9 |brass|plain| no|good order,original condition

[[strikeout]] 30844|DB. under and over [[ordered by Pugsley]]|FL box|iron screw off bayonet underneath|H. NOCK LONDON|7 3/4|iron|plain| -- |good
order except main spring want repair  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 30938 |Military 21 Light Dragoons|FL side Patent cover [[Royal mark]]|iron with I HARPER patent touch hole|I. HARPER PATENT 1801|15 1/2|
brass|plain|no|good order  [[/strikeout]]

30942 | -- |FL side|iron |TURVEY | 14 |brass |brass mark| yes|fair order. early.

[[strikeout]] 30943 | Pocket |FL box| iron screw off|WHEELER LONDON |7 1/2|iron t.guard|pain| -- | perfect  [[/strikeout]]

30944 |Carriage |FL side|iron v. large bore. [[drawing]]|BARNETT. MINORIES. LONDON| 11 |brass t.g. |plain|yes, hinged|well finished.

30945 |Pair Pocket|FL box|iron flush triggers|NOCK LONDON |6 1/2| -- |silver| -- |fine well finished new order

[[strikeout]] 30946 |Pair Carriage|FL side|iron large bore [[drawing]] |JAQUES LONDON |11 1/2| iron |plain|yes,hinged|good finish  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 30947 |Military |FL side | iron |French Charleville |14 1/4|brass|brass|no|main spring broken  [[/strikeout]]

[[strikeout]] 30948 |Military |FL side dated 1811|iron hinged rare red|English|15 1/2|brass|brass [[drawing]]|yes hinged| --  [[/strikeout]]

30989 |Pair Duelling |FL side|iron heavy [[drawing]] |1 PROSSER LONDON |15 1/2|engravd iron| iron | yes|hammers defective.

See Page 25.