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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object description | Code of buyer and date of sale | Price]]

761 | G/- | New Guinea Spear. C/22 904 | P16/7-6-13 | 5-0
762 | G/- | New Guinea Spear. 905 | H4/24-9-02 | 3-6
763 | G/- | New Guinea Spear. 906 | E3/3-10-04 | 1-0
764 | G/- | New Guinea Spear. 907 | K2/2-2-05 | 2-0
765 | /S | New Guinea Spear. 57 | N3/4-10-03 | 2-6
766 | Y/S | Australia Spear  quartz head.  1146 | B30/25-3-08 | 12-6
767 | M/- | Savage Island Club. ornamented feathers.  697 | D16/1-6-10 | 10-6
768 | G/- | Savage Island Spear ornamented feathers.  698 | D16/1-6-10 | 5-0
769 | G/S | Zulu Assegai  1227 | L2/12-2-03 | 3-0
770 | G/S | Zulu Assegai  1228 | H8/6-1-03 | 3-0
771 | Y/- | Zulu Assegai  1229 | L2/12-2-03 | 3-6
772 | S/- | Zulu Piano "Sanza" 14 Keys  Batoka. C | P16/28-11-13 | 12-6
773 | N/- | W. African Piano "Sanza" 8 Keys  Dahomey | W1/28-8-02 | 7-6
774 | G/S | Mashona Head-rest | H2/5-9-03 | 7-0
775 | G/- | Mashona Head-rest | H1/12-9-02 | 5-0
776 | G/S | Mashona Head-rest fine old specimen  C. | J9/19-12-09 | 10-0
777 | Y/- |Congo Spoon. steel | W1/1-12-02 | 3-0
778 | G/S | Congo Spoon. steel | W1/1-12-02 | 2-0
779 | - | Congo Spoon. wood. | W1/1-12-02 | 1-0
780 | S/. | Congo Knife. 782 | W1/1-12-02 | 10-0
781 | T/S | Congo Knife. bone sheath, [[underline]]patent[[/underlined]-leather belt  1119 | W1/1-12-02 | 12-0
782 | A/- | Congo Knife [[small sketch of curved knife with double-hilt]]  Niam Niam  420 | D2/25-8-02 | 11-0
783 | C/- | Soudan. Set of 3 Knives.  1066 | S4/1-1-12 | 14-6
784 | N/S | Soudan. Set of 4 Short Spears.  385 | R20/12-10 | 14-6
785 | GA/S | Ashanti War Horn.  C/21  1226 | N9/17-10-10 | 15-0
786 | S/. | Congo ivory object. [[small sketch of curved object with a hole at each end]]  1222 | W1/3-10-03 | 10-0
787 | /S | Soudan Cap. decorated shells. | H2/22-1-03 | 3-0
788 | G/T/S | North American Pipe-Tomahawk.  375 | P1/1-8-02 | 2-0-0
789 | S/S | Patagonia Lasso. leather eye  1205 | M4/24-9-02 | 1-0-0
790 | I/S | Patagonia Lasso. iron eye  1204 | M4/24-7-02 | 1-12-6
791 | G/- | S. American Machetti. | H2/1-7-03 | 2-6
792 | GA/. | China. Repeating Cross Bow. Single chamber.  1120 | S4/5-2-07 | 2-5-0
793 | GX/. | India Gauntlet Sword; "Pata"  1206 | G5/28-1-03 | 14-6
794 | S/S | Turkey. Jamzarian Plate  1177 | B7/23-2-03 | 12-6
795 | A/- | Borneo, Sword; [[underlined]] "Parang Ilang" [[/underlined]]. Sheath.  1209 | M4/24-7-02 | 1-10-0
796 | GS/- | India  Shirt of mail. soldered links  1188 | R20/12-10 | 1-16-0
797 | GN/- | Borneo.  Sword "Parang Jimpul".  Kina Balu.  187  C | N9/17-10-10 | 1-10-0
798 | GA/- | Borneo.  Sword "Parang Jimpul". fine specimen.  824 | M4/24-7-02 | 1-10-0

Transcription Notes:
#785 Ashanti War Horn--looks like they wanted to cross out the first 1 and make it 15-0 not 1-10-0.