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[[5 column table]]

4257 | S/- | Kordofan Throwing Knife | L12/10-4-06 | 1-1-0
4258 | GA/- | Borneo Parang Ilang: inlaid blade  C. | M28/3-5-09 | 2-10-0
4259 | T/- | Borneo Parang Ilang: rough |   | 16-0
4260 | GG/- | Borneo Parang Ilang | R12/12-2-07 | 1-10-0
4261 | T/S | Burmah Knife ivory  C | F20/24-9-10 | 16-0
4262 | Y/S | Burmah Knife ebony  C | F22/30-10-15 | 8-0
4263 | Y/S | England Special Constable Staff V.R. | D5/7-4-04 | 4-6
4264 | Y/- | W. Africa bronze "manilla" money | W3/7-8-03 | 4-0
4265 | Y/- | W. Africa bronze "manilla" money | W3/7-8-03 | 4-0
4266 | Y/- | W. Africa bronze "manilla" money | H10/24-11-02 | 4-6
4267 | Y/- | W. Africa bronze "manilla" money | H19/8-7-07 | 3-6
4268 | Y/- | W. Africa bronze "manilla" money | W22/15-11-07 | 4-0
4269 | Y/- | W. Africa bronze "manilla" money | T16/4-1-12 | 4-6
4270 | Y/- | W. Africa bronze "manilla" money  cast in two pieces | H19/8-7-07 | 5-0
4271 | GA/- | Congo Sword (Bayakas)  C/21 |   | 1-5-0
4272 | GN/- | Congo Sword  C/21 | W22/26-1-09 | 2-15-0
4273 | GG/- | Congo Sword  C/21 | N9/17-10-10 | 1-0-0
4274 | A/S | Congo Dagger  C/21 | P6/28-11-13 | 18-0
4275 | N/- | Congo Dagger | H10/24-11-03 | 8-6
4276 | -/M | Congo Arrow |   | 2-0
4277 | -/M | Congo Arrow | S4/29-9-08 | 1-0
4278 | GX/- | Congo Spear | F15/29-5-06 | 10-0
4279 | C/S | Congo Spear | F15/29-5-06 | 10-0
4280 | I/S | Congo Spear |   | 16-0
4281 | S/S | Congo Spear | P16/28-11-13 | 12-6
4282 | A/S | Congo Spear | C7/9-12-08 | 6-0
4283 | N/S | Congo Spear | S4/19-11-07 | 9-0
4284 | A/S | Congo Spear | C7/9-12-08 | 6-6
4285 | N/- | Congo Spear | C7/9-12-08 | 12-6
4286 | M/S | Congo Spear | S4/19-11-07 | 7-0
4287 | M/- | Congo Weapon [[line drawing of dagger-like weapon: long thin blade, T-shaped handle, and loop at pommel]]  C21 |   | 10-6
4288 | G/GX/- | Malay Kris set jargoons | C7/22-10-03 | 2-17-6
4289 | Y/- | Burmah Drum |   | 12-6
4290 | Y/- | Burmah Model Loom |   | 12-6
4291 | I/- | Fiji Throwing Club  K |   | 1-5-0
4292 | S/- | England Candle stick & extinguisher | W3/7-8-03 | 10-0
4293 | Y/GA/- | Sardinia F. L. Gun fine steel work | L8/3-11-03 | 4-12-6
4294 | Y/A/- | Sardinia F. L. Gun fine steel work | L8/3-11-03 | 4-12-6