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[[5 column table]]

6575|M/-|Assam Sword; "Dao" bear's jaw. Khamti|S4/5-2-07|1-10-0
6576|M/-|Assam Sword; "Dao" bear's jaw. Khamti|H5/28-2-07|12-6
6577|M/-|Assam Sword; "Dao" bear's jaw. Khamti C/20|   |8-0
6578|M/-|Assam Sword; "Dao" Dha type. silver mts. Khamti [[circled]]C/20[[/circled]]|C11/27-2-05|1-1-0
6579|M/-|Assam Sword; "Dao" Dha type. rough Khamti C/20|F20/24-9-10|[[written over original]]18-0[[/written over original]]
6580|G/S|Assam Sacrificial Dao. large & v. rough Khamti [[circled]]C/20[[/circled]]|   |8-0
6581|G/-|Assam Sacrificial Dao. large & v. rough Khamti|   |4-0
6582|G/-|Assam Sacrificial Dao. large & v. rough Khamti|W15/4-4-05|2-6
6583|Y/S|Assam Matchlock Gun. v. rough Khamti [[circled]]C/20[[/circled]]|H5/28-2-07|9-0
6584|Y/S|Assam Matchlock Gun. v. rough Khamti|J3/5-1-05|4-0
6585|Y/S|Assam Matchlock Gun. v. rough Khamti|F13/28-3-05|7-0
6586|Y/S|Assam Matchlock Gun. v. rough Khamti|J10/3-7-05|10-0
6587|Y/S|Assam Matchlock Gun. v. rough Khamti|F20/1-8-08|8-6
6588|Y/S|Assam Matchlock Gun. v. rough Khamti|S35/6-4-09|[[written over original]]12-0[[/written over original]] 
6589|Y/S|Assam Matchlock Gun. v. rough Khamti|S4/19-11-07|5-0
6590|A/S|Japan Carved ivory Sword.|S4/19-12-05|7-6
6591|I/-|Angola Fetish-head Club.[[circled]]C/20[[/circled]]|C11/27-2-05|1-0-0
6592|G/GX/-|New Zealand Club. rough.[[circled]]C/20[[/circled]]|S4/30-5-05|1-18-0
6593|Y/-|S. America Grain crushing stone. model.|H28/2-1-14|[[written over original]]15-0[[/written over original]] 
6594|C/S|Scotland Dirk with knife & fork|R2/4-12-06|16-0
6595|G/S|India Pair Betel nut Cutters.|R12/29-9-06|4-0
6596|I/-|Burmah Book. 110 leaves.|B38/14-6-09|[[written over original]]1-0-0[[/written over original]] 
6597|GX/-|China Casket, tortoise-shell. K|   |1-0-0
6598|G/-|Ostrich Egg.|3-6|
6599|Y/-|E. Africa Rhino-horn Kerry.|   |1-10-0
6600|I/-|Brit: Columbia Horn Spoon. carved. ex. fine. K|   |8-10-0
6601|G/A/-|Fiji Club. straight carved all over.|B16/15-4-05|2-7-0
6602|GX/-|India Khanjar, straight ivory hilt, silver mts.[[written over original]]C[[/written over original]]|   |2-7-6
6603|N/-|India Peshkabz. straight Jadeite hilt C|   |12-6
6604|I/-|India Katar, chiselled blade. C|S35/5-12-10|4-10-0
6605|-/M|India Pellet Bow perfect.|C11/11-4-08|7-6
6606|-/M|India Pellet Bow string damaged|H17/13-4-07|8-6
6607|-/G|India Arrow|F15/29-5-06|-3
6608|-/G|India Arrow|F15/29-5-06|-3
6609|-/G|India Arrow|F15/29-5-06|-3
6610|-/G|India Arrow|F15/29-5-06|-3
6611|-/G|India Arrow|F15/29-5-06|-3
6612|-/G|India Arrow|F15/29-5-06|-3