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[[5 column table]]
7221 | Gx/- | Eskimo Necklet of Walrus Teeth      | C11/29-6-05  | 1-0-0
7222 |  Y/- | New Guinea Armlet, tortoise shell   [^[encircled]]C/22[[/encircled]] N. East| L12/11-1-06 | -6-6
7223 |  Y/- | New Guinea Armlet, tortoise shell   | T12/22-67-07 | -6-0
7224 |  Y/- | New Guinea Armlet, tortoise shell   | C11/30-4-07  | -6-0
7225 |  Y/- | New Guinea Armlet, tortoise shell   | C11/30-4-07  | -6-0
7226 |  Y/- | New Guinea Armlet, tortoise shell   | P16/7-6-12   | -14-0
7227 |  Y/- | New Guinea Armlet, tortoise shell   |              | -8-6
7228 |  G/- | New Guinea Ceremonial Tablet        |              | -10-0
7229 |  G/- | New Guinea Ceremonial Table damaged | R20/12-10    | -10-0
7230 |  G/- | New Guinea Sago Pounder             |              | -10-0
7231 |  G/- | New Guinea Sago Pounder             | P16/7-6-13   | -16-0
7232 |  Y/- | New Zealand Flax Pounder Stone "Tuki Muka" C| F20/2-10-08 | -15-0
7233 |  Y/- | Matabele Feather head dress         |              | -6-0
7234 |  G/- | Matabele Apron hide dec. buttons    | B38/14-6-09  | -7-6
7235 |  G/- | Matabele Apron                      | S22/20-4-07  | -7-6
7236 |  -/S | Matabele Girls Dress                | T5/3-3-05    | -3-0
7237 |  -/S | Matabele Girls Apron                | T5/3-3-05    | -3-0
7238 |  -/S | Matabele Bag. beadwork              | T5/3-3-05    | -3-0
7239 |  G/- | North American pair Mocassins Beadwork | A6/18-9-05 | -2-6 
7240 |  G/- | North American pair Mocassins Beadwork | E4/5-2-06  | -2-6 
7241 |  G/- | North American pair Mocassins Beadwork | J5/9-2-07 | -3-6 
7242 |  -/S | Turkey Pair Slippers                | S4/6-2-05    | -1-0
7243 |  G/- | Solomon Fishing Float [[sketched arrow shape pointed at circle]] Santa Cruz| H17/17-4-05| -2-6
7244 |  G/- | Solomon Fishing Float with tortoise shell hook | J2/4-1-05 | -6-0
7245 |  I/GX| Scotland Claymore                   | S4/30-05-5   | -15-6
7246 |G/A/- | Congo Ivory Ox Collar               | B14/27-6-05  |2-10-0
7247 | GY/s | Congo Ivory Pounder                 | H17/21-12-6  |1-1-0
7248 |  Y/S | Congo Ivory Pounder [[sketched concave decorated cylinder w/hole piercing at top]][[/encircled]]^[[JH]]17/6[/encircled]]|    |1-1-0
7249 |  Y/S | Congo Ivory Pounder [[sketched elongated decorated oval w/hole piercing on left end]|    |1-1-0
7250 |  Y/S | Congo Ivory Ring for guarding thumb | W12/15-3-05 | -8-6
7251 | GA/- | New Zealand Model Canoe Prow fine old carving K|   |25-0-0
7252 |  -/Y | Paraguay Spoon horn           Lengua| U2/09       | -2-0
7253 |  -/Y | Paraguay Spoon horn           Lengua| M28/3-5-09  | -2-0
7254 |  -/Y | Paraguay Spoon bone           Lengua| G6/15-4-05  | -1-6
7255 |  -/Y | Paraguay Spoon hide           Lengua| Balfour lost| 
7256 |  -/Y | Paraguay Spoon wood           Lengua|             | -2-0
7257 |  -/Y | Paraguay Tobacco Pipe clay    Lengua| H16/2-3-05  | -3-6
7258 |  -/Y | Paraguay Tobacco Pipe wood    Lengua|             | -3-6