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[[5 column table]]

11401 | -/GX | India Paleo. quartzite pounder ? Cuddapah Madran | S4/21.12.07 | 2-6

11402 | -/GX | India Paleo. quartzite pounder ? Cuddapah Madran |  | 10-0

11403 | -/GX | India Paleo. quartzite pounder ? Cuddapah Madran |  | 12-6

11404 | -/GX | India Paleo. quartzite pounder ? Cuddapah Madran | O2/17.1.07 | 7-6

11405 | -/GX | India Paleo. quartzite pounder ? Cuddapah Madran |  | 8-6

11406 | -/GX | India Paleo. quartzite pounder ? Cuddapah Madran | O2/17.1.07 | 7-6

11407 | -/GX | India Paleo. quartzite pounder ? Cuddapah Madran | S4/21.12.07 | 2-6

11408 | -/GX | India Paleo. quartzite pounder ? Cuddapah Madran | S4/21.12.07 | 2-6

11409 | -/GX | India Paleo. quartzite pounder ? Cuddapah Madran | F20/25.7.12 | 9-0

11410 | -/GX | India Paleo. quartzite pounder ? Cuddapah Madran | F20/25.7.12 | 9-0

11411 | -/[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] | India Paleo. quartzite pounder ? Cuddapah Madran | W. | 2-6

11412 | GX/- | Figi Bottle Pottery. | S26/3.11.06. | 1-0-0

11413 | I/. | Admiralty I. Belt | D16/1.6.10 | 15-0

11414 | S/. | New Guinea Charm in bag.-(14958) | Given to Con | 15-0

11415 | -/S | Solomon Float Weight |   | 2-0

11416 | -/S | Solomon Float Weight | J9/14.5.09 | 2-6

11417 | G/./. | Solomon Fishing Float inlaid shell, | C11/30.4.07 | 2-10-0

11418 | G/G/. | Solomon Fishing Float inlaid shell, | C11/30.4.07 | 2-5-0
11419 | T/S | Solomon Fish inlaid shell, 12" long. | D10/17.8.06 | 14-0
11420 | T/S | Solomon Bowl small inlaid (C) | D16/1.6.10 | 1-11-0
11421 | A/- | Solomon Bottle. Treasury I. (C) | B37/4.2.09 | 11-17-6
11422 | Y/- | New Britain Flute | O2/18.6.07 | 7-0
11423 | N/S | New Britain Pan Pipes | R16/14.9.09 | 14-0
11424 | G/S | Solomon Dress & belt |  | 5-0
11425 | -/S | Solomon String Dress |  | 1-6
11426 | -/S | Solomon String Dress |  | 1-6
11427 | Y/- | Solomon Eye Shade | L12/9.10.06 | 4.0
11428 | M/S | S. Africa Cap beadwork used by Budi | S4/5.11.07 | 7-0
11429 | M/- | S. Africa Cape beadwork used by Budi | S4/5.11.07 | 8-0
11430 | G/S | S. Africa Snuff Bottle beadwork used by Budi | L10/6.5.07 | 1-6
11431 | A/- | Solomon Club (N. Ireland Type) |  | 1-10-0
11432 | G/S | New Guinea Club. Stone head. disc. | P16/7.6.13 | 1-5-6
11433 | G/S | New Guinea Club.  |  | 1-6-0
11434 | G/- | Nepal Kukri Knife | Z1/11.12.08 | 4-0
11435 | G/- | Japan Sword | C7/19.12.12 | 4-0
11436 | G/- | Assam Shield. Tabboka Naga | C11/30.4.07 | 2-2-0
11437 | GY/S | W: Africa Egbo String Cap & Beard, black. | C11/30.4.07 | 1-2-6
11438 | I/- | S: Africa Kerry, extra large with hollow head |  | 18-6