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[[5 column table]]

11857 | M/-/- | Fiji Chief's Ceremonial Club. Ex. large damaged Cat.8/15/- /C. | S15/27-11-11 | 5-10-0

11858 | S/- | Fiji Club. semi root type. lugs carved mt. |--|1-15-0 

11859 | S/- | Fiji Club. long root C |-- | 2-5-0 

11860 | S/- | Fiji Club. gun-stock. beak off. | S4/5-2-07 | 15-0 

11861 | A/- | Fiji Belt Club. |-- | 8-6

11862 | /- | Fiji Bow. bamboo. | S38/12-7-10 | 3-0

11863 | /- | Massai Shell Ornament C | J9/14-5-09 | 1-0-0

11864 | T/S | Philippine Spear. barbed. C. Eugamo | S4/29-9-08 | 8-6

11865 | T/S | Philippine Spear. barbed. C. Eugamo |-- | 15-0

11866 | T/S | Philippine Spear. plain.  C. Eugamo |-- | 10-6

11867 | GA/- | New Guinea Ornament. pink shell | F16/22-12-06 | 1-0-0

11868 | A/- | New Guinea Ornament. 3 Cowry (white. | F16/22-12-06 | 7-6

11869 | Y/S | New Guinea Necklet cut shell. | F16/22-12-06 | 5-0

11870 | Y/S | New Guinea Tooth Necklet | F16/22-12-06 | 7-0

11871 | M/S | Solomon Necklet. red disc shell. | F16/22-12-06 | 7-0

11872 | Y/- | Fiji Tooth. | F16/22-12-06 | 4-6

11873 | G/- | New Guinea Disc shell [[image of shell]] | F16/22-12-06 | 2-0

11874 | M/- | Borneo Digging Stick   | -- |  6-0

11875 | GG/- | Society I. Taffa Beater. | C11/17-12-09 | 1-0-0

11876 | A/- | Uganda Stool with tobacco pouch C | C11/23-4-08 | 15-0

11877 | A/- | Angola Fetish [[image]] | S4/29-9-08 | 1-4-0

11878 | GA/- | E. Indies Kris & sheath ex pris blade. | H30/24-8-10 | 1-5-0

11879 | Y/S | Congo Lead Currency | L12/14-12-06 | 4-0

11880 | Y/S | Congo Lead Currency | L12/14-12-06 | 4-0

11881 | Y/S | Congo Lead Currency | L12/14-12-06 | 3-0

11882 | Y/S | Congo Lead Currency | R12/9-1-07 | 4-0

11883 | Y/- | New Guinea Nose Pin ex thick. | L12/14-12-06 | 5-0

11884 | M/- | Fiji Girls Dress. beaded cord & pink shell (Spondylus. C. | B16/1-9-10 | 8-6

11885 | Y/- | Lagos Dress. | P16/28-16-13 | 7-6

11886 | Y/- | A. Peru. Knee Cap | S4/19-11-07 | 4-0

11887 | A/- | S. America bead work Apron }27/6 | H36/1915 | 12-6

11888 | A/- | S. America bead work Apron }27/6 | H36/1915 | 10-0

11889 | A/- | S. America bead work Bag 2 piece }27/6 | H36/1915 | 12-6

11890 | GA/- | New Zealand Hani}27/6 | F17/4-2-07 | 1-5-0

118891 | I/- | New Zealand Flax Cloak. | C11/30-4-09 | 12-6

11892 | N/- | Gilbert Sword. shark teeth. large |--| 15-0

11893 | N/- | Gilbert Sword. shark teeth. large | M28/3-5-09 | 15-0

11894 | M/- | Gilbert Sword. shark teeth. 3 blades |-- | 12-6

[[/5 column table]]


Transcription Notes:
Proofread 9-15 AW