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[[5 column table]]

11971| /-|S. E. Africa Belt.|P16/28-11-13|[[written over original]]-10-6[[/written over original]]

11972| /-|S. E. Africa Specimin Ostrich shell currency|P16/28-11-13|[[written over original]]5-0[[/written over original]]

11973| /-|S. E. Africa Specimin Ostrich shell currency C|F16/2-3-12|-2-6

11974|Y/GX/-|New Zealand Charm. bone hook| B16/5-6-07 | 6-0-0

11975|Y/GX/-|New Zealand Charm. bone hook| B16/5-6-07 | 6-10-0

11976|Y/GX/-|New Zealand Charm. ivory hook | B16/5-6-07 | 6-10-0

11977|Y/GX/-|New Zealand Charm. ivory tooth [[drawing]]| S4/5-2-07 | 5-18-6

11978|GX/-|New Zealand Parrot Ring ivory Colo[[?]]|[[written over]]C11/30-4-09| 1-18-0[[/written over]]
11979|GT/S|Burmah Book | W22/4-1-07 |  2-2-0

11980|GM/N|Tenimber Cuirass.| M28/3-5-09 |[[written over]]1-7-6[[/written over]]
11981|GM/N|Tenimber Cuirass.| F20/10-5-09 |[[written over]]1-10-0[[/written over]]

11982|GM/N|Tenimber Cuirass.C| P16/6-2-11| [[written over]]1-15-0[[/written over]] 

11983|Y/-|New Guinea Ear Ornament shell | R12/28-1-07 |  3-0

11984|Y/-|New Guinea Ear Ornament shell | R12/12-2-07 |  3-0

11985|Y/-|New Guinea Ear Ornament shell | R12/12-2-07 |  4-0

11986|G/S|New Guinea Ear Ornament Fish bone.| R12/9-2-07 |  2-6

11987|G/-|New Guinea Sea weed Ear Ring.| P16/7-6-13 |[[written over]]3-0[[/written over]]
11988|Y/S|New Guinea Disc Club. head. [[drawing]] | G6/23-2-07 |  14-0

11989|A/-|Eskimo Bow Drill. Mouth piece.| H17/24-8-07 |  8-0
11990|G/-|Eskimo Arrow-head. engraved | N9/17-10-10 |[[written over]]3-0[[/written over]] 

11991|M/-|New [[strikeout]]Britain[[/strikeout]] ^[[Ireland]] Club. C|--|[[written over]]-9-0[[/written over]] 

11992|M/-|New Hebrides Club.| R12/15-3-07 |  7-0

11993|Y/-|Australia Club. rim nails | -- |  6-0

11994|Y/-|Australia Club. cut points | D16/1-6-10 |  7-0

11995|I/-|German New Guinea Mask. 8". C | S4/5-11-07 |  15-0 

11996|-/S|New Guinea String Bag.| P16/28-11-13 |  5-6

11997|-/A|New Guinea Head dress. v. large [[circle]]4/6 Error for [[underline]]14/6[[/underline]][[/circle]]|C|P16/7-6-13|[[written over original]]-14-6[[/written over original]]

11998|-/G|New Guinea Head dress. small | L20/1-7-07 |[[written over original]]-6-3[[/written over original]]

11999|-/S|Calabar Bag.|P16/28-11-13|[[written over original]]3-6[[/written over original]]

12000|G/-|Solomon Waist Belt.|D16/1-6-10|[[written over original]]3-0[[/written over original]]

12001|G/-|Guatemala Jade Whorl|H28/2-1-14|[[written over original]]6-0[[/written over original]]

12002|G/-|Guatemala Jade Whorl small|H28/2-1-14|[[written over original]]2-6[[/written over original]]
12003|Y/S|Tierra del Fuego Bone Spear-head. 6 1/4" v. small C|--|-5-0

12004|I/-|New Zealand Teki. unfinished.| R12/28-1-07 |  16-0

12005|Y/GA/-|New Zealand Charm. ivory whale tooth.|B16/5-6-07| 6-10-0
12006|Y/GX/-|Marquesas Harpoon head. bone.| F9/2-3-07 | 6-10-0

12007|GX/-|Tierra del Fuego Harpoon-head| R17/6-11-07 |  11-0

12008|G/GY/S|Congo Charm Mask. ivory Bependi| W22/15-1-07 | 2-0-0

Transcription Notes:
Item 11981 under F20 is written (F a furst?)