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[[5 Column Table]]

13225 | -/C | New Zealand 4 bone slats off Necklet, ancient, Parakeuni | F20/3-10-08 | 8-0
13226 |  /- | New Zealand tooth A ancient, Parakeuni | F20/3-10-08 | 1-0
13227 |  /- | New Zealand tooth A ancient, Parakeuni | F20/3-10-08 | 1-0
13228 |  /- | New Zealand Fragment ancient, Parakeuni | F20/3-10-08 | 1-0
13229 |  /- | New Zealand Fragment ancient, Parakeuni | F20/3-10-08 | 1-0
13230 |  /- | New Zealand Fragment ancient, Parakeuni | F20/3-10-08 | 1-0
13231 |  /- | New Zealand Fragment ancient, Parakeuni | F20/3-10-08 | 1-0
13232 |  /- | New Zealand Fragment ancient, Parakeuni | F20/3-10-08 | 1-0
13233 |  /- | New Zealand Fragment ancient, Parakeuni | F20/3-10-08 | 1-0
13234 |  /- | New Zealand Fragment ancient, Purakeuni | F20/3-10-08 | 1-0
13235 |  /- | New Zealand Fragment ancient, Purakeuni | F20/3-10-08 | 1-0
13236 | N/GX/- | England D.B.F.L. [[strikeout]]Pistol[[strikeout]] ^[[Gun]] by Nock | S32/9-3-08 | 6-0-0
13237 | T/-/- | New Zealand Tiki teko Figure off a P'ah | C11/30-4-09 | 25-0-0
13238 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Wood [[Marhaika?]] carved. | R12/18-5-07 | 7-0-0
13239 | G/-/- | New Zealand Parrot Trap. c | F20/3-10-08 | 4-10-0
13240 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Feather box modern | S4/5-11-07 | 4-0-0
13241 | GY/S | Tibet Spoon brass. | W22/4-6-07  | 16-0
13242 | GA/- | Tibet Pair Cymbals | W22/5-9-07 | 1-2-6
13243 | GX/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant jade c | S31/6-11-07 | 1-1-0
13244 | GX/- | New Zealand Fish hook ex large. | R12/14-6-07 |  10-0
13245 | G/GY/S | E. Africa Chief Head dress Shillook | S4/5-11-07 | 2-12-6
13246 | T/S | E. Africa Basket dec shells. Shillook| F18/12-8-07 | 15-0
13247 | C/- | Ashanti Doll with two heads | L18/7-12/10 | 2-5-0
13248 | G/-/- | Tahiti Ceremonial Spear Club c | D16/1-6-10 | [[overwritten]]5-0-0[[/overwritten]]
13249 | G/GX/- | Turkistan Leather Coat dec. | S4/5-11-07 | 3-0-0
13250 | GA/- | Gilbert Knife of bone edged with shark teeth | D10/17-8-07 | 6-0-0
13251 | A/- | Gilbert Knife of wood edged with shark teeth | -- |[[overwritten]] 12-6[[/overwritten]]
13252 | GA/- | Fiji Gun stock straight club | C11/17-12-07 |[[overwritten]] 2-10-0[[/overwritten]]
13253 | G/-/- | India or Persia Bird on stand inlaid shell "Human | W22/24-3-08| 2-2-0
13254 | -/N | Old Calabar Ordeal Bean. | J2/23-4-07 |  -6
13255 | GA/- | India Gauntlet Sword | W25/15-8-07 | 2-7-6
13256 | T/- | Turkey F L Pistol. | -- |  8-6
13257 | A/- | Turkey Knife & sheath, silver hilt | W25/15-8-07  | 12-6
13258 | G/- | Europe Naval Sword, ivory hilt | -- | 5-0
13259 | G/- | Europe Reg Sword [[?]] William IV. | A11/1-4-12  |[[overwritten]]5-6[[/overwritten]]
13260 | G/- | Europe Reg Sword | L2/28-11-13 |[[overwritten]]1-1-0[[/overwritten]]
13261 | G/- | Europe Reg Sword [[?]] Geo. II. | W26/23-9-07 | 5-0
13262 | G/- | S. Africa [[Kessie?]] | -- | 2-6

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 9-27 AW