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[[5 Column Table]]

13339 | Y/- | Japan Mask. black | C7/2-3-08 | 5-0 |
13340 | Y/- | Japan Mask. black] |-- |8-6|
13341 | M/S | Tenimber  of hide | -- | -- |      }
13342 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | -- | --        }
13343 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | -- | -- |      }
13344 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | -- | -- |      }
13345 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | -- | -- |      }          
                                                 [[English Pound Sign]]
13346 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | -- | --|       }           1/1/- &
13347 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | -- | --        }           1/5/- 
13348 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | -- | -- |      }
13349 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | -- | --        }
13350 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | -- | --        }
13351 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | -- | --        }
13352 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | -- | --        }
13353 | M/S | Tenimber of hide  | L24/1915 | 1-0-0  }
13354 | Y/- | Europe Powder Mask. | -- | 7 - 6 |
13355 | -/S | Haussa Armlet cov'd leather  | P16/28-11-13 |  7-6
13356 | -/S | Haussa Armlet cov'd leather | S4/19-11-07 | 1-0
13357 | -/S | Haussa Armlet cov'd leather | -- | 1-6
13358 | -/S | Mendi Armlet Elephant pad | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0
13359 | -/S | Mendi Armlet Elephant pad | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0
13360 | -/S | Mendi Armlet Elephant pad | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0
13361 | -/M | E. Africa Armlet Cov'd [[?]] | P16/28-11-13 | 4-6
13362 | -/M | England Bull ring | -- | 4-6
13363 | G/GY/S | N. America Cradle of fine beadwork.  Umlauff | U2/21-6-12 | 3-5-0
13364 | Y/S | N. America Whip | S4/5-11-09 | 1-15-0 
13365 | GM/- | Fiji Wood Gong Lalis  Foy| C11/17-12-9 | 1-15-0
13366 | G/- | Fiji Wood Pillow | -- |  7-6
13367 | G/- | Fiji Whale tooth used as currency | N22/15-11-07 | 5-0
13368 | G/- | Fiji Small Belt of shark teeth. | N9/3-1-14 | 3-6
13369 | -/C | Trobriand Sago Stirrer | -- | 7-0
13370 | G/- | Gilbert Sword of shark teeth | D16/1-6-10 | 5-0
13371 | -/M |  Fly Whisk.  | L10/12-10-08 | 1-6
13372 | -/M | Solomon Spear. black  | S4/1-1-12 | 2-0
13373 | -/M | Solomon Spear black | -- | 2-0
13374 | -/M | Solomon Spear. black | -- | 2-0
13375 | -/M | Solomon Spear. black poor | S4/5-11-07 |  -6
13376 | -/M | Solomon Spear. black | S4/1-1-12 |  4-8 

Transcription Notes:
This price listing is for Items 13341 through 13353, I believe. It was simply written to the right of all item descriptions. Proofread 9-22 AW