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[[five column table]]
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---

17101 | GX/- | Europe B.L. Brass Shot Pistol C | D6/1-9-08 | 16-6
17102 | M/- | Europe Small Cannon BL. |--| 15-0
17103 | GX/- | China Bow Case? inlaid ivory Grey Collection | J12/3-3-13 | 1-6-0
17104 | T/A/- | Hervey Chiefs Whisk. carved figures. | W22/1-6-08 | 8-14-0
17105 | N/- | Mexico 2 Clay figures. modern | W22/15-5-08 | 5-0
17106 | Y/- | Eqyptian Drum | W22/15-5-08 | 3-6
17107 | S/- | Tibet, Inscribed Stone in a case | W22/15-5-08 | 9-0
17108 | G/-/- | Ceylon 11 Coloured Drawings | W22/15-5-08 | 1-2-6
17109 | G/I/- | Natural Granite Cross. | W22/15-5-08 | 1-10-0
17110 | A/- | China Bell Kansuh NWC- | W22/15-5-08 | 7-6
17111 | GI/- | A Peru Vessel [[image]] | W1/29-2-16 | [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]]
17112 | GX/- | A Peru Bottle large man. [[?Chrinboh]] Lenia. C | B38/14-6-09 | 1-0-0
17113 | GX/- | A Peru Bottle small man [[?Chrinboh]] Luna. C | B38/14-6-09 | 17-6
17114 | GX/- | A Peru Bottle Deer's head Temple of the Sun Moche. C|--| 12-0
17115 | GI/- | Tongo Club. Turret-head C | -- | 2-10-0
17116 | G/- | Turkey Kourbash hide. |--| 3-6
17117 | /- | India Stick painted | -- | 7-6
17118 | /- | India Spear head | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0
17119 | /- | S. America Arrow-head | S33/6-6-08. | 3
17120 | -/S | Fishing Staff | S33/6-6-08 | 2-0
17121 | C/- | Australia Club carved. [[image]] cracked c | P16/27-11-11 | 10-0
17122 | C/- | Brit Columbia Spoon horn carved. | S4/29-9-08 | 1-0-0
17123 | GX/- | Australia Club rare form [[image]] C | A12/22-3-10 | 1-5-0
17124 | G/GX/- | Germany FL Pistol Sword in sheath | D6/1-9-08 | 5-5-0
17125 | GA/- | Germany Cleaver in sheath of human skin | S4/29-9-08 | 1-15-0
17126 | G/GX/- | Tibet Double Skull-drum painted | W22/27-6-08. | 3-15-0
17127 | A/- | S. Africa Carved Beer Pot | N9/17-10-10 | 1-10-0
17128 | G/-/- | W. Africa Egbo Dancing Dress | B38/ 14-6-09. | 1-10-0
17129 | Y/- | New Guinea Ceremonial Tablet | P16/7-6-13 | 14-0
17130 | Y/- | New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer | P16/7-6-13 | 14-0
17131 | S/- | Brit. Columbia ? Club. wood carved |Sold  S29/5-7-09 | 1-15-0
17132 | GI/- | China 62 Gambling Slabs of ivory | W22/1-6-08. | 1-5-0
17133 | Y/GX/- | Tibet 5 painted Scrolls | W22/1-6-08. | 2-15-0
17134 | G/S/- | Tibet 3 Bronze Idols | W22/1-6-08. | 1-10-0
17135 | N/GX/- | New Zealand Paddle 2 carved bands on handle C|P16/6-2-11| 6-10-0
17136 | C/- | England FL Powder Tester by Southall C| C10/18-2-09 | 1-1-0
17137 | G/- | England Powder Flask |--| 3-0
17138 | GM/- | New Guinea Carved [[strikethrough]]Object ?[[/strikethrough]] Dance Staff|F20/24-9-10| 2-15-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 11-12 AW Item 17111, last column 4-4-0 is written over 10-0.