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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

20901 | -/Y | 41 Uganda Arrow. leaf blade Ancholi |--| ---  
20902 |   | 42 [[Uganda Arrow]] leaf blade | P16/28-11-13| 1-0
20903 |   | 43 [[Uganda Arrow]] leaf blade | P16/28-11-13| 1-0
20904 |   | 44 [[Uganda Arrow]] leaf blade | P16/28-11-13| 1-0
20905 |   | 45 [[Uganda Arrow]] leaf blade |--| ---  
20906 |   | 46 [[Uganda Arrow]] leaf blade Aucholi |--| --- 
20907 |   | 47 [[Uganda Arrow]] barbed blade Aucholi|P16/28-11-13| 1-0  
20908 |   | 48 [[Uganda Arrow]] barbed blade Aucholi|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 
20909 |   | 49 [[Uganda Arrow]] barbed blade Aucholi|--| --- 
20910 |   | 50 [[Uganda Arrow]] barbed blade Aucholi|J12 /4-7-16| 2-0 
20911 |   | 51 [[Uganda Arrow]] barbed blade Quiver & 12 Arrows 6/6 Aucholi |--| ---
20912 |   | 52 [[Uganda Arrow]] barbed blade Aucholi |P16/28-11-13| 1-0 
20913 |   | 53 [[Uganda Arrow]] barbed blade Shuli |P16/28-11-13| 1-0 
20914 |   | 54 [[Uganda Arrow]]  |P16/28-11-13 | 1-0 
20915 |   | 55 [[Uganda Arrow]]  |P16/28-11-13 | 1-0 
20916 | -/Y | 56 Uganda Arrow |P16/28-11-13 | 1-0 
20917 | N/- | Uganda Quiver. perfect Aucholi |--| 18-6
20918 | M/S | Uganda Quiver. Aucholi |P16/28-11-13 | 12-0
20919 | M/S | Uganda Quiver. Aucholi |J12/3-3-13 | 5-0
20920 | -/M | Uganda Quiver d. one end missing Aucholi|J12 /4-7-14| 5-0 
20921 | -/M | Uganda Quiver both ends missing Aucholi |--| ---  
20922 | -/M | Uganda Quiver both ends missing Aucholi |--| ---
20923 | -/M | Uganda Quiver both ends missing Aucholi |--| ---
20924 | M/- | Congo Currency Spear. |--| 15-0
20925 | G/GX/- | England. B.L.F.L. Gun  Tower| D6/4-7-10| 4-4-0
20926 | GG/- | England Sporting left handed F.L. Gun by Sandwell|D6/4-7-10| 2-5-0
20927 | GY/- | India Shield. heavy steel plated silver.|B21/5-4-12| 3-15-0
20928 | C/- | India Small Cuirass 4 plates.|C7/1915| 1-10-0
20929 | S/- | India large Cuirass 2 plates|S35/29-6-12| 2-5-0 
20930 | A/- | Tibet pair Arm Guards |W22/4-9-09| 1-5-0
20931 | A/- | Persia Talismanic Bowl |W22/16-6-16| 2-2-0 or 2-5-0
20932 | A/- | Persia Talismanic Bowl |G14/12-7-09 | 1-12-6
20933 | Y/- | Persia Bowl. small. |--| 10-6
20934 | M/I/- |Lagos or Senegalese Idol very massive.43" high|N9/17-10-10| 9-9-0
20935 | G/- | Ashanti Story tellers' Emblem | G14/9-8-09 | 3-0
20936 | G/- | Ashanti Story tellers' Emblem | G14/9-8-09 | 3-0
20937 | G/- | Ashanti Story tellers' Emblem | G14/9-8-09 | 3-0
20938 | G/- | Ashanti Story tellers' Emblem | G14/9-8-09 | 3-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 12/15 AW Item 20911,description column over 6/6 is written an initial? Also Ancholi or Aucholi? I think it's Acholi actually according to Google, South Sudan people.