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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]] 

21699 | G/- | 8 New Guinea Necklet. teeth Bugi? | P16/7-6-13 | 17-0
21700 | G/- | 9 New Guinea Necklet. shell rings. |   | 1-2-6
21701 | G/- | 10 New Guinea Necklet. shell rings. smaller |   | 16-0
21702 | G/- | 11 New Guinea Necklet. rope cut rafru shell |   | 12-6
21703 | T/S | New Hebrides Club. |   | 1-10-0

21704 | A/- | England Pack horse Bell. C } |   | 1-5-0
21705 | A/- | England Pack horse Bell. C } |   | [[for both]]

21706 | S/- | China Pair Chopsticks in shagreen case.silver mounts.|   | 18-6
21707 | Y/- | China Silver Bar. Currency ? | C29/8-12-11 | 9-0
21708 | Y/- | China Silver Bar. Currency ? |   | 9-0
21709 | G/S | China Silver Medical Instrument[[image]]|L12/27-10-09| 5-0
21710 | G/S | China Silver Medical Instrument[[image]]|L12/27-10-09| 5-0
21711 | Y/- | China Silver Medical Probe.|   | 6-0
21712 | Y/-/- | Marquesas Stilt Step. | P16/17-6-12| 7-0-0
21713 | G/A/- | Trobriand Shield | P16/17-6-13| 3-10-0
21714 | G/A/- | German XVI Cent Wheel-lock.|L12/20-11-09| 2-2-0
21715 | G/-/- | Dutch New Guinea Staff |   | 2-5-0
21716 | G/S/- | Tibet Bell | W22/3-11-09 | 2-0-0
21717 | A/- | German New Guinea Breast Plate |P16/28-11-13| 1-5-0
21718 | A/- | German New Guinea Breast Plate with belt |   | 1-10-0
21719 | GS/- | Tibet Prayer Wheel. C|N9/17-10-10| 1-10-0
21720 | GX/- | Burmah Buddha.solid silver. v. small.|C25/1-8-10| 17-6
21721 | Y/S | Burmah Buddha ? inscription |   | 12-6
21722 | M/- | Arabia Reaping Finger Stall. |L12/20-11-09| 8-0
21723 | M/- | Arabia Pair Spurs. Egyptian Soudan C|   | 17-6
21724 | G/- | Arabia Tiger tooth Charm. Lake Nyana |   | 5-0

21725 | G/-/- | Europe. Thumb Screw. } | M5/23-11-10 | 1-15-0
21726 | G/GX/- | Europe Pair Torture Implements. } | M5/23-11-10 | 2-0-0
21727 | G/S | Europe Caltrop C } |   | 8-6         *Found in
21728 | G/S | Europe Caltrop   } |   | 8-6
21729 | G/S | Europe Caltrop   } |   | 8-6         Old Cellar
21730 | G/S | Europe Caltrop   |   | 8-6           in
21731 | G/S | Europe Caltrop   |   | 8-6           Worcester*

21732 | A/- | Europe Horse Bit |   | 18-6
21733 | GX/- | S. America Lans. |   | 1-2-6
21734 | Y/S | S. America Bolas. single ball. |   | 15-0
21735 | Y/A/- | New Zealand Model Prow |G13/24-11-09| 4-0-0
21736 | M/-/- | New Zealand Model Stern |G13/24-11-09| 5-9-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 12/19 AW