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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

21395 | GX/- | New Zealand Fern Root Pounder broken C |--| -15-0
21396 | I/- | New Zealand Eel Trap. | D16/1-6-10 | 1-5-0
21397 | GT/S | New Zealand Paddle |--| 1-12-6
21398 | GX/- | India. Parrying Shield.|F20/9-9-11|[[written over]] [[1-3-0?]][[/written over]]
21399 | GG/- | Fiji Kava Bowl oval.| P16/27-11-11 | 3-10-0
21400 | G/GT/S | England. 5 barrelled Alarm Gun| F7/21-7-09 | 2-7-6

21401 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear  Putamayo R.Amazon R.|--| 2-6
21402 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear well finished Putamayo R.Amazon R. |--| 2-6
21403 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear well finished Putamayo R.Amazon R. |--| 2-6
21404 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear well finished Putamayo R.Amazon R. |--| 2-6
21405 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear well finished Putamayo R.Amazon R. | F23/28-12-09 | -2-0
21406 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear well finished Putamayo R.Amazon R. |--|   
21407 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear well finished Putamayo R.Amazon R. |--|   
21408 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear well finished Putamayo R.Amazon R. } |--|   
21409 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear well finished Putamayo R.Amazon R. } |--|   
21410 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear well finished Putamayo R.Amazon R. } |--|   
21411 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear well finished Putamayo R.Amazon R. }       3 for 7/6       
21412 | -/M | S. America. Light throwing spear well finished Putamayo R.Amazon R. } |      
21413 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R. } | 1-6  8 for 16/= 
21414 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R. } |      
21415 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R. } |      
21416 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R. } |      
21417 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R. } | 
21418 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R.|F23/28-12-09| 2-0
21419 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R. |--| 1-0
21420 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R. |--|---   
21421 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R. |--|---   
21422 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R. |--|---   
21423 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R.|F23/28-12-09| 2-0
21424 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R.|--|---   
21425 | -/G | S. America. Light throwing spear lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R.|--|---   

21426 |  /- | S. America. Arrow lighter wood Putamayo R.Amazon R.|--| -6
21427 | A/- | Java Sword. carved horn hilt.silver grip.sheath |--| 1-17-6
21428 | G/- | America. U.S.A. Police Staff | A14/16-12-11| 15-0
21429 | G/- | Europe. Horn Sword Stick. shortened |--| 3-6
21430 | M/M/- | C. Europe Lobster tail Helmet. | D8/6-6-10| 4-4-0
21431 | Y/- | India. Toe Ring. Phallic ? | L12/27-10-09 | 7-0
21432 | Y/- | India. Toe Ring. Phallic ? | L12/27-10-09 | 7-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 12/18 AW