Viewing page 21 of 297

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[[preprinted]] 307 [[/preprinted]]
[[Five Column Table]]

23295 | G/-/- | England Spinning Wheel |-- | 1-7-6

23296 | GA/- | England Spinning Wheel |-- | 1-5-0

23297 | GA/- | England Spinning Wheel |-- | 

23298 | GX/- | Europe |-- | 1-15-0

23299 | Y/- | Norway Double Box engraved, with lids, dated 1712  C | L12/ 6-5-11 | 17-6

23300 | Y/- | Norway Double Box carved & painted. small. one lid broken  C |-- | 7-6

23301 | Y/- | Norway Single Box. with cover. [[circle]]10/6[[/circle]]  C |--| [[strikeout]]8-6[[/strikeout]] ^[[10/6]]

23302 | Y/- | Norway Single Box. with cover. small C |-- | 3-6

23303 | Y/- | Norway Oval Box with cover. carved nice [[circle]]6/-[[/circle]]  C |--|[[strikeout]]4-0[[/strikeout]] ^[[6/-]]

23304 | Y/- | Norway Round Box. carved 1641. painted 1839 C. | L12/ 6-5-11 | 10-6

23305 | Y/- | Norway Round Box. carved 1735. lid rim broken. C |-- | 5-0

23306 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl with shaving lip. 1759 traces of painting C | J2/ 30-9-11 | 10-6

23307 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl painted, inscription 1759. C | J2/ 13-6-11 | 9-0

23308 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl I am a limb of the birch tree. Drink from me & you will get courage 1805 C | J2/13-6-11 | 9-0

23309 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl inscription 1778 C | J2/ 30-9-11 | 9-0

23310 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl To housewife & host I do honour, when the ale is drunk and given courage, Then all dance on one foot 1721. C | J2/ 30-9-11 | 9-0

23311 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl I am a bowl so neat, you can see at a glance &c 1777 C | J2/ 13-6-11 | 9-0

23312 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl I come advancing to you. Out with your money & let me see it. 1740 C | J2/30-9-11 | 9-0

23313 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl Dear wife, if you will draw the ale, I will kiss & embrace you. 1786 C | J2/30-9-11 | 9-0

23314 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. Pour again, pour tonight. 1795 C | J2/30-9-11 | 6-6

23315 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. inscription. small handle 1819 C | J2/30-9-11 | 6-6

23316 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. C |-- | 2-6

23317 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. C |-- | 2-6

23318 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. C |-- | 2-6

23319 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. with two handles 28 C|-- | 3-6

23320 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. painted flowers. later period 35 C |-- | 1-6

23321 | -/c | Norway Cup on stem 29 C | L12/6-5-11 | 2-0

23322 | -/c | Norway Cup on stem  30 C | L12/6-5-11| 2-0

23323 | -/c | Norway Cup on stem 31 C | R8/30-9-11 | 2-6

23324 | -/c | Norway Brandy Bowl in form of [[strikeout]]animal[[/strikeout]]^[[bird]] painted 32 C |-- | 4-0

23325 | -/c | Norway Brandy Bowl in form of [[strikeout]]animal[[/strikeout]] ^[[bird]] painted 33 C | L12/6-5-11 | 4-0

23326 | -/c | Norway Brandy Bowl in form of [[strikeout]]animal[[/strikeout]] ^[[bird]] plain 34 C | L12/6-5-11 | 3-0

23327 | -/c | Norway Box in form of a book. date 1877. added later 36 C |-- | 3-0 

23328 | G/G/- | Nias Island Shield | N9/B7-10-10 | 2-0-0 

23329 | G/G/- | Nias Island Shield |-- | --

23330 | M/S | Ivory Coast Gaboon Paddle Grand Lahore [[drawing]]| P16/29-11-13 | 8-0

23331 | M/S | Ivory Coast Gaboon Paddle painted [[drawing]] | P16/29-11-13 | 8-0

23332 | M/S | Ivory Coast Gaboon Paddle painted |-- | --

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 9/16 AW