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23523 | C/- | England F.L. Big game Rifle (C23402 3/3/-)  C|S40/20-6-11 | 3-3-0

23524 | G/- | England P.C. Gun   | -- | --

23525 | G/A/- | Ceylon Devil Mask  C |D10/17-1-13 | 2-2-0

23526 | GX/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Modern | W1/13-5-11 | 1-1-0

23527 | Y/- | Japan Mask   C | C31/4-2-14 | 10-6

23528 | G/- | Indian Mask  paper mache'  C | D10/17-1-13 |  6-0

23529 | G/- | Indian Mask   | C31/4-2-14 |  6-0

23530 | G/- | Indian Mask   | -- |  6-0

23531 | GM/- | Borneo Shield  dec.   | -- | --

23532 | Y/- | Borneo Shield plain   | -- | --

23533 | T/- | Borneo Hunting Fetish   | -- |  17-6

23534 | T/- | Borneo Hunting Fetish  | 3 for 2/5/-  |  16-0

23535 | S/- | Borneo Hunting Fetish  | -- |  16-0

23536 | G/G/- | Brit: Columbia Bowl. dec.  | H28/7-1-11 | 3-10-0

23537 | GN/- | Brit: Columbia Bowl plain  | -- | 2-7-6

23538 | G/GY/S | 2 Burmese Temple Bells   | W22/28-11-11 | 2-2-6

23539 | Y/- | India Axe.  all steel. modern  | S4/1-1-12 | 3-0

23540 | GX/- | England F. L Pistol. brass barrel. Wilson fine order | -- | 1-15-0

23541 | GX/- | N. America War Club   | H28/7-1-11 | 2-0-0

23542 | G/GY/S | Abor. Helmet of skin.  1858 Expedn.  | F20/9-9-11 | 3-0-0

23543 | GA/- | Congo Hand Drill complete   | F20/25-3-11 | 1-15-0

23544 | A/- | Congo Fire Drill. complete  | -- | 10-0

23545 | A/- | Congo Fire Drill complete  | F20/25-3-11 | 15-0

23546 | GY/S | Congo Wire maker's Apparatus  | F20/25-3-11 | 1-10-0

23547 | GX/- | Congo Wire maker's Apparatus  | F20/25-33-11 | 1-0-0

23548 | GX/- | Congo Wire maker's Apparatus  | H17/2-4-12 [[?]] | 1-4-0

23549 | G/GY/S | Eskimo Costume complete   | B30/5-4-11 | 5-0-0

23550 | M/-/- | New Zealand Stick finely carved  | P16/17-6-12 | 19-10-0

23551 | G/A/- | New Zealand Cloak fine border   | -- | 8-8-0

23552 | GX/- | New Zealand Mat   | -- | --

23553 | A/- | New Zealand Belt   | P16/17-6-12 | 1-15-0

23554 | G/GX/- | N. America Skull. Flat-head Indian.  | S4/1915 | 4-4-0

23555 | GX/- | Solomon Skull   | -- | 1-7-6

23556 | GX/- | Java Skull  2 teeth   | -- | 1-7-6

23557 | G/-/- | A. Peru Skull   | S4/1915 | 2-7-6

23558 | G/GA/- | Tibet carved stone Diety  | W22/25-10-10 | 5-5-0

23559 | G/GX/- | Tibet painted clay Tablet  | W22/25-10-10 | 4-5-0

23560 | A/- | Tibet Sacred Book.  5 leaves.  | W22/25-10-10 |  16-0