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24587 | M/- | Japan. Netsuke metal Helmet |   | 8-6
24588 | M/- | Japan. Netsuke metal Saki Bottle | H16/20-10-11 | 5-0
24589 | N/- | Japan. Netsuke metal Compass | C7/19-12-12 | 10-0
24590 | S/- | Toureg Spear all iron inlaid brass | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0
24591 | S/- | Toureg Spear all iron part. covered leather | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0
24592 | T/- | Toureg Chief Ceremonial Spear engraved brass |   | 
24593 | GM/- | Australia Pitche |   | 1-15-0
24594 | G/X | India Horn Dagger Bhut. | W29/13-9-13 | 8-6
24595 | G/X | Africa Axe, |   | 
24596 | /- | Africa Comb | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0
24597 | /- | India Whisk | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0
24598 | /- | India Gourd Ladle | S4/1-1-12 | 6
24599 | /- | European Powder Flask of horn. |   |   
24600 | Y/- | European Old Keys | A14/11-12-12 | 3-0
24601 | M/- | European Old Keys |   | 
24602 | G/S | European Old Keys |   |
24603 | G/S | European Old Keys |   |
24604 | I/- | N. Africa Warri Bowl. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-1-0
24605 | N/- | N. Africa Staff carved crocodile &c Pondo | P16/28-11-13 | 1-15-0
24606 | /- | N. Africa Staff club or spear shaft Pondo | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0
24607 | G/S | Assam Pellet Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 7-0
24608 | G/S | Assam Pellet Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0
24609 | G/- | British Columbia Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 16-0
24610 | G/- | British Columbia Bow one end damaged & 2 Arrows dith. | J12/3-3-13 | 9-0
24611 | /- | East African Bow. Zanzibar | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0
24612 | /- | Zulu Kewbkerry Hani |   |   
24614 | GI/- | Society Tappa Beater |   |   
24615 | GS/GS/- | New Zealand Head fine post mortem work | S4/16 | 32-10-0
24616 | /- | Society Tappa Cloth. white. |   |   
24617 | G/S | E. Africa Bark Cloth showing method of joining |    | c-
24618 | -/S | SE Madagascar? Cloth smaller plain. thick [[strikethrough]]E[[/strikethrough]] |   | 18-0
24619 | G/G/- | Germany Rifle. small bore curious shortened barrel |   |   
24620 | G/S/- | Celebes Shield inlaid shell. large | F20/9-9-11 | 4-0-0
24621 | T/S | S. India Knife, square silver hilt |   |   
24622 | GA/- | S. India Battle Axe, match lock Pistol |   |   
24623 | Y/GY/- | Venetian Dagger. fine guard | A14/17-1-13 | 3-8-0
24624 | GX/S | New Zealand Hani. |   |