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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]]

30097 | Y/-/- | Europe D.B. Carbine. small bayonet | A14/22-1-14 | 4-0-0
30098 | Y/- | Europe Knife & Fork in case. France. |   | 6-0
30099 | A/- | Gaboon Knife, sheath. ivory handle. |   |   |   
30100 | Y/-/- & G/A/- repair| England DB. P.C. Gun in Case. Manton|   | 6-10-0
30101 | Y/-/- | England Pair PC Pistols Manton. |   |   |   
30102 | G/- | Italy FL. Pistol |   |   |   
30103 | Y/-/- | France FL Pistol inlaid mts See Field Sept 28/12 P.673|   |   |   
30104 | I/S | England Pepper Box Revolver | J12/3-2-16 | 18-6
30105 | I/S | England Pepper Box Revolver | H33/18-4-13 | 12-6
30106 | M/- | Ceylon Pali. Copper Book Leaf. | S4/1915 | 1-10-0
30107 | S/- | Brit. New Guinea Mortar. | H36/6-2-16| 14-0
30108 | M/- | Persia Bottle. Hide decorated. damaged. |   |   |   
30109 | T/S | N. America.Pair Mocassins dec: beads.| F24/12-1-14| 1-10-0
30110 | T/- | Australia Shield  Victoria|   | 1-8-0
30111 | I/- | Zulu Shield. large. 55 x 31. |   | 3-3-0
30112 | T/- | New Caledonia Club [[image]] |   |   |   
30113 | M/- | Fiji Belt Club |   |   |   
30114 | S/- | Ellis I. Fish-hook with float. |   | 18-0
30115 | GA/GX/- | New Zealand Teki with toggle. v.fine. 4⅝" |   | 30-0-0
30116 | N/-/- | England FL. Breach-loading Gun. | S40/16-12-13| 12-0-0
30117 | GA/- | Norway P.C. Breach-loading Gun. |   |   |   
30118 | GA/- | Europe Self priming Breach-loading Gun. |   |   
30119 | G/T/S | Austria Tube Detonator Rifle |   |   |   
30120 | G/T/S | Austria Tube Detonator Musket |   |   |   
30121 | G/-/- | England Cross Bow. |   |   |   
30122 | G/- | England FL Pistol. Tower Fire Relic |   |   |   
30123 | T/- | England FL Pistol. Horse type. |   |   |   
30124 | T/- | England FL Pistol. smaller | E6/29-4-13 | 16-0
30125 | G/-/- | England Pair Breast & Back Plate Cromwellian |   | 4-4-0
30126 | G/-/- | England Pair Breast & Back Plate Cromwellian |   | 4-4-0
30127 | GX/- | China Box carved jade. |   | 1-6-0
30128 | A/- |     Adze iron blade hafted with hide [[image]] |   |   |   
30129 | A/- | B. Guiana Club wrist loop cotton binding concave faces Mocana C|   | 18-6
30130 | GX/- | Turkestan Bailer. |   |   |   
30131 | G/T/S | England FL. Tinder Lighter. |   |   |   
30132 | G/S | England XVIII Cent. Roman Type. | L12/10-1-13 | 4-0
30133 | Y/- | England XVIII Cent. Lamp Shade in case. |   | 7-6
30134 | Y/- | England XVIII Cent. Nut Cracks |   |   |   

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 2/18/2020 AW