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[[5 column table]]

[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

34999 | GA/-/- | Scotland F.L. Pistol by Murdoch | S40/1915 Sold | 22-10-0
35000 | G/A/- | England F.L. Pistol all brass bayonet | B48/26-9-16 | 2-5-0
35001 | T/S | England P.C. Pistol hammer underneath. | S40/1915 | 14-0
35002 | Y/- | Mashena Milk Seperating Bowl. Showing native mend. Makalanga |   | 8-6  
35003 | Y/- | Mashena Head Rest. carved. Makalanga |   |   
35004 | Y/- | Mashena Head Rest. carved. Makalanga |   |   
35005 | G/- | Mashena Piano. Sanza. Makalanga | W22/1915 | 10-0 
35006 | Y/S | Mashena Necklet metal beads of graduated size Makalanga | W22/1915 | 15-0
35007 | M/- | Mashena Witch Doctor's Necklet & Thorn Extractor. with piano. Makalanga | W22/1915 | 1-11-0
35008 | G/S | N. America Mocassin. odd. one quill work } |   |   
35009 | G/S | N. America Mocassin. odd. one quill work } |   | 8-6
35010 | G/- | Solomon Comb. inlaid shell |   |   
35011 | G/- | Haussa Horse Charm. |   | 
35012 | G/S | Ainu Mustache Lifter Another 5/- 3 C |   | 10-0
35013 | G/-/- | Belgian Pin Fire Revolver 7" | P18/7-4-15 | 2-0-0
35014 | G/-/- | Belgian Pin Fire Revolver 7 is shot | D11/23-3-15 | 2-0-0
35015 | G/-/- | Belgian Pin Fire Revolver 20 shot 5" | E6/1915 | 2-2-0
35016 | G/GX/- | Belgian Pin Fire Pistol. horizontal chambers. | S40/1915 | 3-3-0
35017 | GA/- | Belgian 8 barrel Pistol. cartridge | S40/1915 | 2-10-0
35018 | G/GX/- | Belgian 40 Shot Pistol Gay Guenot | S40/1915 | 3-3-0
35019 | GA/- | England 4 barrel revolving hammer Pistol. | S40/1915 | 2-2-0
35020 | GX/- | England Under & Over. | B48/14-2-16 | 2-2-0
35021 | T/GX/- | England Egg inverted FL Pistol | S40/1915 | 16-16-0
35022 | GA/- | U.S.A. Box lock Pistol USR 1843 | E6/27-5-16 | 1-15-0
35023 | GA/- | U.S.A. Box lock Pistol USN 1845 | E6/27-5-16 | 1-15-0
35024 | G/-/- | France Pair P.C. Pistols with T.g. hammers RUBANS | S40/1915 | 2-15-0
35025 | GA/- | France Marriette 8 b: Pepper Box. | S40/1915 | 3-3-0
35026 | G/-/- | England Pepper Box 6 b: in case by RIGBY | S40/1915 | 3-3-0
35027 | GX/- | England Pepper Box 7 b | S40/1915 | 2-7-6
35028 | GX/- | England Pepper Box 3 b | S40/1915 | 3-10-0
35029 | GX/- | England Pepper Box 4 b Cooper | S40/1915 | 2-12-6
35030 | GX/- | England Pepper Box 4 b Baker | S40/1915 | 3-10-0
35031 | G/-/- | American Pepper Box 5 b | D11/23-3-15 | 2-0-0
35032 | GX/- | England F.L. Rifle City of London Light Horse Volunteers 1803 |   |   
35033 | G/A/- | England Case of Miniature PC Pistols Smith | S40/1915 | 2-5-0
35034 | Y/GX/- | America Knife Revolver. | S40/1915 | 5-5-0
35035 | GG/M | China Suit of Armour Manchurian Prince Yui Bannermen |   | 6-15-0
35036 | GG/M | China Suit of Armour Manchurian Prince Yui Bannermen |   | 6-15-0