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Page 8 of 19 Pages

[[underlined]]Physical Accessibility[[/underlined]]

The Smithsonian continues to highlight the needs for physical accessibility in conjunction with the Institution's budgetary process. The Office of Design and Construction (ODC), in cooperation with OEO, has responsibility for evaluating architectural/physical accessibility and for making modifications in accordance with existing standards. The comprehensive accessibility survey conducted by ODC as early as 1975 still serves as the basis for most of the architectural modifications either completed or now underway. In FY 1984, the Institution made the following changes to improve physical accessibility for disabled persons:

- Arts and Industries Building

. construction of a temporary ramp at the north entrance

. modifications to the curb cut in front of the building

- National Air and Space Museum

. modifications to public restrooms

. posting of additional signage at main entrances to indicate direction of ramps

. construction of ramps at doors leading to the west terrace

. construction of a ramp to the food service trailer on the west terrace

- National Museum of American Art/National Portrait Gallery

. modifications to public restrooms

. widening doors to selected exhibit galleries

. installation of a chair lift from the third floor to the mezzanine

- National Museum of American History

. completion of the new museum shop and bookstore, including installation of a lift

. addition of electronic doors from the public cafeteria onto the west terrace