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The more frequently cited bases for complaints were age, race/color (Black), followed by sex (female). The most frequently cited allegations or issues were termination during probation and promotion/advancement opportunities.

[[underlined]] Table 6 [[/underlined]]

[[3 column table]]
Bases Alleged | # of Allegations | % of Total Bases Alleged in Complaints Filed
Age | 8 | 29.6
Race/Color | 8 (7 black, 1 white) | 29.6
Sex (female) | 5 | 18.5
Religion | 2 | 7.4
Handicap | 2 (mental) | 7.4
National Origin |[[underlined 1 | 3.7 [[/underlined]]
Total | 27 | 100.0
[[/3 column table]]

[[underlined]] Table 7 [[/underlined]]
[[ 3 column table]]
[[underlined]] Issues Alleged | # of Allegations | % of Total Allegations [[/underlined]]
Termination | 5 | 25.0
Promotion | 5 | 25.0
Appraisal | 3 | 15.0
Training | 2 | 10.0
Discharge | 1 | 5.0
Hire | 1 | 5.0
Reassignment | 1 | 5.0
Reprisal | 1 | 5.0
Assignments |[[underlined]] 1 | 5.0 [[/underlined]]
total | 20 | 100.0
[[/3 column table]]

More women filed complaints than men, more [[underlined]] nonminorities [[/underlined]] than minorities, and all the minorities were Black.  While the majority of the complaints were filed by blue collar workers and clericals there was a significant number of professionals filing.

[[underlined]] Table 8 [[/underlined]]

[[4 column table]]
[[underlined]] [[sex]] | Minorities #  % | Nonminorities #  % | Total #  %

Male | 4 (23.6) | 3 (17.6) | 7 (41.2)
Female | [[underlined]] 4 23.6) | 6 (35.2) | 10 (58.8) [[/underlined]]
Total | 8 (47.2) | 9 52.8| 100.0)